
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 8

We have had a very busy first half term! Our last week of the half term mainly focused on science activities. We were investigators who made predictions, carried out a range of tests and drew scientific conclusions.

We also created amazing firework pictures.


I would like to say how proud I am of our new starters who have successfully  completed their first half term in school. I wish everyone a very happy half term holiday!🙂

Week 7

This week  our reception children were officially welcomed to our school and church family. They were on their best behaviour throughout the Welcome Mass making us all so proud of them.


In Maths, we enjoyed counting,sorting and ordering activities. We finished the week with our Class Assembly . We are very proud of how well they have performed in front of all the parents, family and friends.Well done class 1!!!

Maths-sorting, counting and grouping

Week 6

This week we wrote shopping lists and invitation letters. We invited Timothy the Tiger to our tea party. He made buns and sandwiches and waited patiently for Timothy to arrive.  We were very excited when he finally  arrived. We had a lot of fun!

We played some party games before saying goodbye to Timothy.


Week 5

This week  class 1  had an assembly with NSPCC. They were good at answering questions demonstrating good listening skills. Well done class 1.


 We have also confirmed that class 1 have talent! We have upcoming superstar footballers and master music  composers! Watch out world!!!🙂



NSPCC Assembly

Show and Tell

Composing a 'Helping Hand ' song

Still image for this video

Week 4

Here are some pictures from some of our Maths and Topic lessons.


Week 3


In R.E we  used drama to explore what families do to show they love and care for each other.We brought in family photographs which were added to our display.

In Literacy we re-enacted the  story from a book called Why elephant has a trunk? and in Topic we made paper plate pets.

Drama:Why elephant has a long nose

Paper plate pets

Week 2

What an exciting week we've had this week. Pets at Home visited class 1 and our new children enjoyed their first P.E lesson.

Fist P.E Lesson for the Reception children

Week 1


This week we welcomed our new starters to our school. We are so proud of how quickly they are settling into their new class. We are also very proud of our year 1 children who have played a big part in helping the new children settle.

Here are some pictures from this week.



First Dinner and more pictures

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.