Welcome to Class 3!
Firstly I would just like to welcome the class back after the summer holidays. It has been lovely to see some familiar faces and some new ones too! I've really enjoyed getting to know everyone in our new class and looking forward to a positive year ahead. We've had a great start to the year with children settling in well and making some new friends. The children have been working hard to come up with rules for our class contract. We've been thinking about what makes an outstanding classroom in terms of behaviour, learning, the classroom environment and attendance. These rules were then put into a class contract which everyone has taken home to sign to say they will try their best to adhere to. This has created a positive ethos in our class already, with children taking ownership of how our classroom will be this year. I am hoping it will help make class 3 a very happy place to be.
Class 3 Expectations
In the children's homework book there are spellings for them to learn each week. It is important that they practise these words and are confident for the test that will take place each Friday. The tests will be recorded in the children's yellow spellings book. These will come home so you can see your child's scores and progress, but they must be returned back to school. The children should not write in these books at home. The words chosen for the majority of the class are from the National Curriculum expectations for this year group. Some children will have differentiated spellings to suit their needs. Please come in to school if you need a copy of these.
Children must also be able to read and spell common exception words:
The link can be found below. Children should be confident with year 2 and 3 words.
PE will take place on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. Please can all children bring the correct PE clothing, with their names in, on a Monday and be taken home again on a Friday. PE is an important part of our curriculum and every child must participate each week unless there is a medical reason.
Reading Books
Children have all been allocated individual reading books based upon assessments from last year. I would like to encourage reading books to be read three times a week for a minimum of ten minutes where possible. Books will only be changed when the book has been completed with an adult and this is recorded in the reading diary. Reading books and diaries should be kept in the reading folder given and be in school EVERY day. Please focus on reading comprehension at home, it is extremely important that the children have a deeper understanding of what they are reading.
During reading time in class, if a child has finished their reading book they may complete a book review to the best of their ability or choose a book from the reading box. Children will be given a raffle ticket on completion of a book review and the reading raffle will be drawn at the end of each half term. A prize will be given to the winner!!!! Get reading class 3!
Please note that books will not be changed at this time unless the diary has been signed by an adult.
There will be a short maths and literacy task every week in additon to weekly spellings. This will be given out on a Wednesday and should be brought back to school every Monday to be marked. I would like the children to take pride in their work and think about their presentation.