
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 2

Week 7

It has been a lovely week learning about and enjoying the lead up to Easter. Crafts, Chocolate nests, cards and drama have been a great success! We are finishing our week with a whole school Easter assembly when each class will tell a different part of The Easter Story. In Class 1 we are acting out and singing about Palm Sunday.

Happy Easter xxx

Easter nests and Palm Sunday Assembly

Week 6

The children have worked so hard this week during assessment week showing just how much progress they are makingsmiley

We made cress heads in science and we are very excited to watch them grow!

It was our last dance lesson with Miss Ellie and the children performed their final sequence to the music from "Lion King".


Week 5

This week in Science we have been learning about the 5 oceans of the world. If you don't know them you can follow the link below and sing our Oceans song.

Our story of the week is "Supertato" by Sue Hendra and Paul Linnet. If you haven't read it then you must! The children have written their own captions for Supertato and the amazing Veggies!

Week 4

This week we have been busy writing about how much we love our mumsheart The children have made flowers and badges to give them on Mothering Sunday. 

In Science we have been learning about the 7 Continents of the world. Can you name them? How about from biggest to smallest? Our Continents song will help you smiley

Week 3

PE outside was glorious this week and the children have been perfecting their aim with both underarm and overarm throwing.

We are currently enjoying our Numicon investigation table which is helping us to understand how numbers can be made in so many different ways and learning number bonds to 10 and beyond!

In Science we have discussed "Living and Non-Living" things and discussed how we know what things go in which group. How about things that were once living or things which have never been alive? It is all much more complicated than you might think! The children were amazing at using their vocabulary to explain their answers and their reasoning.

Week 2

This week we have been learning about Food Chains in Science and different animal habitats.

We had a fantastic dance lesson with miss Ellie on Wednesday and then on Friday a dance workshop with "West End in Schools"  where we made up a dance sequence to tell the story of "Where the Wild Things are" and it was amazing!

In literacy we have been learning the story of "The Enormous Turnip". We learned actions and performed it for Nursery and Class 2. It was fabulous seeing the children performing for an audience and they were absolutely wonderfulheart

Week 1

Welcome back for our second half of our Spring term. This week we have enjoyed the start of our new dance sessions in PE.  PE is Tuesday and Wednesday from this week for the next 6 weeks. Tuesday is outdoor games with Mr Johnson and Wednesday is indoor Dance with Miss Ellie. 

We had great fun on World Book Day and even had our own Willy Wonka and Charlie!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.