
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 1

Week 6


This week our core story is one of our ultimate favourites, The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle.  We absolutely loved the story and quickly began to join in with the repeated refrains.  We enjoyed seeing the hungry caterpillar grow and then change into a beautiful butterfly.  

We were inspired to create our own caterpillar and butterfly paintings.  We made our butterflies symmetrical by only painting one side of the butterfly and then we folded it in half to transfer our pattern to the other side.  

The story helped us to explore the amazing life cycle of a butterfly.  We now know that it all starts with a tiny egg that grows into a caterpillar.  After eating enough food the caterpillar creates a cocoon, or chrysalis around itself.  Inside the cocoon the caterpillar transforms and nibbles out as a beautiful butterfly.

We followed Jamie and retold the story with Cosmic Kids yoga.  It was lots of fun.   

We consolidated all our learning on shapes to create our own shape pictures.  We used lots of different shapes to create houses, cars, rockets and lots more.  Why not go on a shape hunt around your house.  See how many shapes you can find.  

It’s the weather being so nice we decided to take our music interaction session outside into the sunshine.  We are all amazing at anticipating the events and being patient and waiting for our turn.  We love playing the instruments in different ways. In todays session we switched the Lycra for the parachute and sent the frog flying!


Week 5


This week we have taken part in Mental Health Awareness week.  The focus this week has been anxiety.  Each day we learnt a new strategy and technique for us to help deal with our anxiety.  We learnt different breathing techniques, relaxation activities and positive mindset training.  As part of these activities we thoroughly enjoyed our daily yoga session.  We got fully involved in lots of different positions as we completed our Cosmic Kids yoga session.

We really enjoyed our Concerteenies musical stories performance of Mouse and Bear.  We learnt some of the key words and phrases within the story and joined in to perform some of the brilliant song.  It was lots of fun and we hope the Concerteenies team can visit us again soon. 

Concerteenies - Mouse and Bear

After our Concerteenies performance we were inspired to put on our own shows on the stage.  Can you spot some of our favourite characters?

This week in RE we learnt about the religion of Islam.  Followers of Islam are called Muslims.  Muslims believe that Allah is the one true God.  We learnt that the Islamic holy book is called the Qur’an.  Muslims worship in a holy building called a mosque.  When praying, Muslims always face the direction of the holy city of Mecca and they use a prayer mat.


We created our own pictures of prayer mats.  We used building blocks to create our own mosques.  

Week 4


This week our core story was "Oliver's Fruit Salad" by Vivian French.  In the story Oliver has just returned from his Grandparents' house.  Suddenly, nothing at home seems quite good enough. Oliver's mum doesn't know what to do.  Oliver and his mum go shopping for lots of delicious fruit and when they return home they create the most tasty fruit salad.  Oliver loves it!


After reading the story we were inspired to design and make our own delicious fruit salad.  We thought about all the ingredients we would like to add and made a shopping list for Mrs Blakemore.  On Friday we worked very carefully and helped Mrs Pratt prepare the fruits.  We peeled oranges, apples and pears.  We sliced grapes in half and chopped the tops off the strawberries, and cut up the watermelon.  We washed and added the blueberries. Mrs Pratt carefully cut up the pineapple into chunks.  To finish off our fruit salad we added some orange juice. 


Our fruit salad looked very bright and colourful.  It smelt amazing but it tasted even better.  We all loved our fruit salad and even had second helpings.  Yum yum!  


Why not make a fruit salad at home, or you could make fruit kebabs with your favourite fruits.  

In RE this week we learnt all about Pentecost.  Pentecost is often named the "birthday of the Church".  The feast celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit is our friend who guides and helps us.  We cannot see the wind, but we can feel it.  In the same way, we cannot see the Holy Spirit, but we can feel the joy and happiness the Holy Spirit brings to us. 


To remind us of the power of the Holy Spirit we went outside and blew bubbles and watched them drift away and disappear.  We had a celebratory dance using ribbons and streamers. 


This half term our topic has been all about growing and change.  We planted beans at the beginning of the term and this week we were amazed at how tall they had grown. They have grown thick stems and leaves.  Some of them were starting to look just like Jack's beanstalk!  We have taken our beans home to repot them and care for them. We hope they continue to grow and we can eventually eat the tasty beans off them.  

Week 3

Today we have enjoyed celebrating the coronation of King Charles lll. We all came dressed in red, white and blue.  We had a special photograph taken and each received a coronation cup and teddy for us to remember this very special event.  In Nursery we enjoyed a very delicious morning tea.  We enjoyed a selection of cakes, buns and snacks, including a very tasty cream scone.  

Coronation preparations were in full swing this week!

Week 2


This week we looked at the famous painting “Sunflowers” by Vincent Van Gogh. After being inspired by his artwork we created our own masterpieces using paint.  We are very proud of the final results and will be displaying them in school for everyone to enjoy.  

In math we have continued to learn all about 2D shapes.  We have begun to name the shapes and sort them into categories.  We found lots of ways to sort the shapes, including colour and number of sides.  Outside we drew shapes and found objects to match the shape.  

Week 1


We would like to welcome our new starters to nursery.  We hope you settle in quickly and enjoy making lots of new friends.  Our topic this half term is “Come Outside”. As part of our topic we will be exploring all about the natural changes from spring to summer.  We will investigate what plants need to grow and learning a little about life cycles.  We have lots of wonderful stories to explore and we can’t wait to get started.  

We have loved the new areas of provision, including our potting station and new garden centre role play area.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.