
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School



Children's mental health and wellbeing is so important, more so now that ever before, given the challenging times that we all find ourselves in. It is important that we are all aware of the ways in which we can provide support for our children and that we also teach our children how to recognise their own feelings and share strategies on how to cope in different situations. 


Click the link below to watch a video which explains that we all have mental health and the importance of looking after it.

Brain Breaks & Yoga


Yoga is good for the body and mind. It can help children relax, while building strength, balance and confidence, and having fun! 

Cosmic Kids Yoga is a fun website to children to use, particularly Early Years and Key Stage 1 children. You can access some of the videos for free through YouTube. 

Click the link below to visit Cosmic Kids Yoga website:


Whether your child is working at home or at school, it's important that they have regular 'brain breaks'. Breaks from work reduce stress and frustration and increase attention and productivity. Children need to get up and get moving, particularly if they have been sitting for a while. Short brain breaks during work time have been shown to have real benefits. 


Activities to help your mind


The emotional wellbeing of children is just as important as their physical health. Good mental health allows children to develop resilience to cope with whatever life throws at them and to grow into well-rounded, healthy adults. It's important that children spend time doing things that they enjoy and that they have 'screen free time', away from mobile phones, tablets and games consoles. 


Every year we celebrate Children's Mental Health Week. This year's theme was 'Express Yourself'. HRH the Duchess of Cambridge sent a special message to launch the start of the week. 


Click the link below to listen to the message  


Click the link below to visit the Children's Mental Health Week website 2021  




Wellbeing Wednesday

On Wednesday afternoons, all children are encouraged to have a 'screen free' afternoon and spend time away from a laptop, ipad or other device and spend time doing something else that they enjoy. Class teachers suggest activities each week that the children can do, or they are welcome to choose their own - the whole family is encouraged to join in too. It's a great opportunity for everyone to explore the outdoors near where they live. 

Staff in school enjoy Wellbeing Wednesday's too. We try to eat healthier foods on a Wednesday and bring in fruit to share. 
One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.