W/B: 13/12/21
Week 7
This week, we have had a fantastic time completing our topic The Great Fire of London, making Christmas crafts and taking part in fun Christmas activities.
Class 2 completed a post-assessment on The Great Fire of London and The Plague and showed wonderful knowledge of our history topic.
Since, we have created beautiful calendars, a nativity style Christmas card and bauble decorations. We also completed our orders for the Christmas catalogue. Everyone did such a fantastic job sewing our gingerbread men and creating our Rudolf decorations.
On Tuesday, we had a great time playing pass the parcel, musical chairs and completing a raffle during our Class Christmas Party.
On Thursday, we took part in a variety of Christmas Fayre games and enjoyed ourselves.
We have also filmed our own Carol Service with Class 1, if you haven't already please make sure you watch it as everyone worked very hard to learn and sing our songs.
Well done on a wonderful last week at school Class 2,
Have a very Merry Christmas!
From Miss Garratt
W/B: 06/12/21
Week 6
This week, Class 2 have been focusing on writing instructions. We have learnt about adverbs of time and manner, imperative words and have formed an introduction for a set of instructions which inform the reader how to make bread.
We chose this purpose for our instructions as we are learning about the Great Fire of London and the great fire began in a bakery on Pudding Lane.
To help us write our instructions, we followed a recipe on how to make bread and made it ourselves. All of Class 2 did a fantastic job following the instructions and creating beautiful bread like Thomas Farriner would have in his bakery!
Fantastic work chefs, I can't wait to see your instructional writing next week!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Garratt
W/B: 29/11/21
Week 5
This week, Class 2 learnt all about a Christingle and then, we created them together.
We spoke about what the different parts represent and even had our own Christingle service in the classroom in which we shared our knowledge, read a passage from the Bible, listened to bidding prayers and sang songs including 'Sing Christingle!'
Everyone in Class 2 has been so respectful and well-behaved this week especially when taking part in Christingle activities.
Well done everyone on a great week!
Miss Garratt
W/B: 22/11/21
Week 4
This Monday, Class 2 took part in an investigation into how different surfaces affect a toy cars movement.
The surfaces they tested were bubble wrap, wood, carpet and the surface of our tables. Class 2 measured how far their vehicle moved and discussed if lots or little friction was present.
Well done scientists on a fantastic investigation and yet another great week of learning!
Miss Garratt
W/B: 15/11/21
Week 3
Anti-Bullying Week
This week, we have learnt what the word bullying means.
We know that it is everybody’s responsibility to make sure that people are treated kindly.
On Wednesday, scenarios from our Helping Hands Role Play Scenario Cards were read out by Miss Garratt and volunteers acted the scenarios out for the class.
We took part in a discussion on: What could the people in the scenario do differently?
If you saw this happening, what could you do to help?
Class 2 have all worked very hard this week and shown kindness to each other.
Well done everyone on another great week in school!
Miss Garratt
W/B: 08/11/21
Week 2
On Thursday 11th November 2021, Class 2 took part in our first mass in church.
We sang hymns together with Class 1 and Father Declan. Then, members of Class 2 read in our mass.
We practised in school and church then, read the first reading which was a reading from the first letter of John, the responsorial psalm, alleluia and bidding prayers.
Class 2 were so respectful and well-behaved in church. They also read and sang beautifully.
Well done to everyone on your hard work!
Have a wonderful weekend and well-deserved rest,
Miss Garratt
W/B: 05/11/21
Week 1
Today, we created our own questions to ask Thomas Farriner after we read the section in our class book about his bakery and the events that unfolded in it.
Then, some children took on the role of Thomas Farriner and we interviewed him in the classroom.
We asked question including:
Why did you not check if the flames in your oven were out that evening?
Could you smell the smoke from the fire?
How did you escape to safety?
Class 2 created some fantastic questions and really engaged well with our session, showing excellent knowledge of our topic.
Well done Class 2 on an excellent first week back at school!