Week 5
This week we have been looking at UK landmarks. We have used our art skills that we picked up last year in our art topic and used these to produce these fantastic sketches of Big Ben.
Week 4
This week we have been writing in character as Ted from our class novel The London Eye Mystery. An idiom is a saying that has been around for many years but taken literally it would be hard to work out its meaning like, dog eat dog and hit the road. Ted struggles with idioms that his Mum and sister always use and takes these literally. Here are two videos of our literal translations of some idioms. Can you guess what they are?
Week 2
This week we started a very special set of lessons with a very special visitor. Miss. Ellie has returned to the school for this half term to complete street dance with us. I think we did pretty well for our first try.
Week 1
Class 5 have been looking at our brand new book we will be using for guided reading this week. It is called The London Eye mystery. The fantastic thing about this book is that Ted our main character has Asperger's syndrome. The book says that Ted's operating system works on different signals. It is the use of his unique and fantastic way of thinking that he and only he can solve his cousins disappearance.
As a class before we read the book we wanted to better understand what Asperger's syndrome was and also learn about Autism. We look at some of the sensory needs as well as overloads that some people with Autism may have as well as what makes them unique just like everyone else is unique in their own way.
We looked at noise sensitivity and why shops are having special reduced noise hours to allow people with a sensitivity to noise to be able to shop without having a sensory overload. We attempted in two groups to concentrate on our times table whilst everyone else was overloading our senses with as much noise as possible and see how it made us feel. (Warning the videos below are very loud)