
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 7


This week, children have finished reading Marv ant the Dino attack. Children explored how Marvin’s class felt upon his return, as they seemed suspicious as to where he had been throughout the dinosaur scare. The children explored emotions of key characters when Marvin and Joe invited Eva to join them in their museum exploration.


In History this week, children have looked settlements and monuments through the ages, exploring both Skara Brae and Stone Henge. Children completed a fact file about the settlements and/or monuments, sharing their understanding, research and findings.


In Literacy this week, children completed their very own Stone Age story, inspired by Stone Age Boy. Children identified 5 key points of a story (opening, build up, dilemma, resolution and ending) when planning their very own exciting story.


In Maths, children have continued to explore money, looking at problem solving with addition and subtraction this week. Class 3 have also explored negative numbers and how the value of a negative number decreases as they progress.


In Science this week, children have learnt about how light travels in a straight line. Children have wated videos to further support their understanding, used torches to experiment first hand and drawn pictures to explain their understanding.


Well done Class 3 for your wonderful effort this week!


Have a great half term.

Week 6


This week, children have continued to explore Marv and the Dino Attack in Guided Reading. This week, children read about Marv’s fight with Rex as he tried to save the city from destruction. Additionally, children explored short comprehension tasks about fossils, Halloween and space.


In History this week, children have looked explored the Celts and their way of life, learning key facts about trading, farming and conflict. Children completed a diary entry as a Celt, producing fantastic pieces of work!


In Literacy this week, children have identified the key features of a narrative and started to plan their very own Stone Age story, inspired by our Literacy book Stone Age Boy.


In Maths, children have continued to explore money, looking at adding, subtracting and rounding varying amounts. Children have utilised their skills of converting pounds and pence, as well as recapping column addition and subtraction.


In Science this week, children have used torches to explore how the shape and size of a shadow may change as the light source gets closer or further away from an object. Children worked in groups to investigate this further.


In Art, children used mirrors to complete self portraits focusing on pencil control and tone.


Well done Class 3 for your wonderful effort this week!


Please return homework books on Monday.


Have a great weekend.


Week 5

This week, children have continued to explore Marv and the Dino Attack in Guided Reading. This week, children read about Marv’s incredible super powers and how Rex the supervillain used his claws to try escaping the museum. Marv had a huge decision to make, save his super sidekick Pixel from the dinosaurs or stop Rex from escaping the building.


In History this week, children have looked at key events through the Iron Age, ordering these events and exploring culture further, such as houses during the Iron Age and food produce. Children explored homemade produce, reared, hunted and gathered.


In Literacy this week, children have explored time conjunctions to support their understanding of writing in chronological order. Children have learnt about varying sentence starters to upscale their writing and ensure that it has order.


In Maths, children have started to explore money. Year 3 children have been adding a variation of amounts in pounds and pence, while Year 4 children have been converting pounds to pence and adding different amounts.


In Science this week, children have explored how moving a light source can increase and decrease the size of the shadow produced. Children used torches to investigate this further and really enjoyed this week’s experiment.


Well done Class 3 for your wonderful effort this week!


Please return homework books on Monday.


Have a great weekend.

Week 4

This week, children have continued to explore Marv and the Dino Attack in Guided Reading. This week, children read about Marv the superhero and his rivalry against Rex. Children have accessed VIPERS daily to further their comprehension of the text.  


In History this week, children have compared life in the Bronze Age to everyday life now, considering responsibilities and jobs, clothes, culture and technology.


In Literacy this week, children have explored past tense verbs and time conjunctions, which will be key features within our next writing style, a diary entry.


In Maths, children have focused on comparing and ordering two- three and four-digit numbers. Children have tried really hard to master each place value column when comparing and ordering, observing higher and lower values.


In Science this week, children have learnt new scientific vocabulary of transparent, translucent and opaque. Children used torches to explore how light travels through varying objects and that the level of light that is able to pass is referred to with different vocabulary.


Well done Class 3 for a fantastic effort this week!


Please return homework books on Monday.


Have a great weekend.

Week 3

This week, children have continued to explore Marv and the Dino Attack in Guided Reading. This week, children read about the supervillain Rex and how Marv the superhero plans to stop his evil attack.


In History this week, children have started to explore the Bronze Age, starting with a timeline of inventions and creations through the time period. Children then explored technology and culture, thinking about housing, clothes and tools.


In Literacy this week, children written their very own setting description, inspired by the woods illustrations from our focus book Stone Age Boy. Children edited their work and used a thesaurus to upscale exciting vocabulary, along with ensuring that their writing included expanded noun phrases and paragraphs.


In Maths, children have focused on rounding numbers to the nearest 10,100 and 1000. Children have used a number line to further their understanding with this taught concept.  


In Science this week, children have learnt about the importance of sun protection. Children linked this knowledge to our current light topic and explored the best materials for making sunglasses, along with other ways to protect ourselves such as sun cream, sun hats and more.


Well done Class 3 for a fantastic effort this week!


Please return homework books on Monday.


Have a great weekend.

Week 2

This week, children have continued to explore Marv and the Dino Attack in Guided Reading. This week, children read about the supervillain Rex and his electrical powers that bring dinosaurs back to life. Next week, children will read Chapter 3 to see if Marv is able to save the day.


In Art this week, children completed a quiz about what art skills and key vocabulary they already recognise, along with exploring the cartoon art work of Carl Giles.


In Literacy this week, children have explored the use of paragraphs, emphasising the importance of starting a new paragraph when the topic changes. Children have also started writing their very own setting description linked to our focus text Stone Age Boy.


In Maths, children have focused on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. Children have also counted in 100s and 1000s when ordering and comparing numbers on a number line.


In Science this week, children have designed their very own bookbag following the learning of reflective materials. Children explored reflective materials and their importance when keeping us safe and visible in the dark.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Please return homework books on Tuesday, with both tasks completed.


Have a wonderful weekend.

Week 1

Class 3 have had a fantastic week, they have settled back into our class routine wonderfully and enjoyed seeing friends after the holidays.


This week, some children in class 3 started to explore Marv and the Dino Attack in Guided Reading. So far, we know that Marv and his best friend Joe are going to a museum on a school trip and Marv has a secret robot friend, Pixel, hiding in his bag.


In History this week, we have explored our prior knowledge of the Stone Age. We studied a timeline of the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age, before researching Stone Age homes during the Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic period – such as Skara Brae.


In Literacy this week, we launched our first focus book, Stone Age Boy. Children have really enjoyed the text by Satoshi Kitamura and the colourful illustrations within the book. Class 3 have started to explore the key features within a setting description this week, using our senses when writing expanded noun phrases.


In Maths, children have focused on place value this week. Year 3 children have learnt about the place value of a 3-digit number and Year 4 children explored the place value of a 4-digit number. We looked at representing numbers in different ways, along with writing numbers in words and numerals.


In ICT, Class 3 have explored internet safety and have shared a thorough understanding of how to stay safe online. To share our understanding, we created eye catching posters to remember important facts about using the internet and playing age appropriate games online.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.