Week 6
This week we have been learning all about the number 5. We have been using number blocks to work out number bonds to 5. We have also had lots of different Maths activities to explore our counting to 5.
We have also been scientists and learnt about germs! We learnt about how germs can spread and how we can stop this from happening.
Week 5
This week we have been exploring Maths in provision. We have been grouping objects and shapes. Our Year 1 children have been completing work in their Power Maths books. Year 1 children have been practicing their Big Maths Beat that questions ready for their timed tests.
Week 4
This week we have learnt to perform the story 'The Little Red Hen'. If you visit our Facebook page you will be able to see our story performance!
Our Year 1 children have continued to exploring grouping in Maths this week, whilst our Foundation children are learning lots of number songs.
Week 3
This week in our Maths lessons we have been learning lots of new number songs. Our Year 1 children have been sorting objects into different groups. We have all been learning about repeating patterns and exploring our ability to create repeating patterns in provision.
Our first week back ...
For our first week back our foundation children have been continuing to settle into school life. We have be listening to lots of stories, including 'The Gruffalo', 'Guess How Much I Love You' and 'Aliens Love Underpants'. We have been singing lots of nursery rhymes and playing lots of fun games - our favourite game is 'Someone's Hiding!'.
Our first day in Class 1 ...
This week we welcomed our new children to Class 1. We have been playing with new friends and getting to know our new teachers. We have had lots of fun painting, drawing and playing outside!