
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

What are we learning this half term?

A super start!


We have had a super busy start to a brand new year but Class 3 have settled in really and we have been so impressed!


We have been exploring our new book 'Stone Age Boy', which links to our History topic - 'Stone Age to Iron Age'. The children have loved predicting what they think our book will be about and designing a front cover using the title. The class finally got to see what the real book cover looks like and compared it to their design to see if they had any similarities. They cannot wait to start reading it!


Miss Stewart has been working incredibly hard with each of the children to make sure that they are reading the correct book band and it has been fantastic to see all the reading going on at home!


Class 3 have started their recorder lessons, which will take place each Friday, and have got off to an amazing start. It has also been wonderful to see so many children interested in starting additional music lessons! Please ask at reception if you need any support with this. 


Finally, we have been exploring family trees and making our own as part of our RE topic where we will be looking at Jesus' family tree and our Catholic family. 


Week 3


The children have been exploring new bible stories to find out about the family tree of Jesus - this week we looked at The Story of Jacob!

Week 5 

In guided reading, we have been practising reading different sentences in exciting ways by changing our the pitch and tone of our voice!



"Slowly, slowly... we crept forwards until we saw - a reindeer!"

The children have been working so hard on their 3D art project!

Week 6

This week, the children have finished their RE topic 'People' and reflected on our learning about the family of God in scripture and individuals from Jesus' family tree. We started our topic by creating our own family tree so we finished it by celebrating our family and creating a thank you card to show our appreciation! We hope you loved receiving them! smiley

Week 7

The children have loved learning about cave art this week as part of our History topic! We used charcoal to create our own cave art, it was very messy but worth it!

Cave art

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.