
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 2

Week 1 

Literacy - This week we performed our poems that we have created to an audience. Mr Flanagan set us the challenge of creating our very own poem describing the Spiderwick Estate. See if you can spot the following poetic features: simile, metaphor, rhyme, onomatopoeia, alliteration and repetition.

Week 2


This week has been an exciting week for class 5! We have had several visitors in school that have provided enjoyable experiences for all.


Literacy - This week we commenced our new unit of work, investigating examples of persuasive letters. We will build up our knowledge to write a response to the letter by Aunt Lucinda. We developed our understanding of formal and informal language and how these features differ and are used depending on the audience.


Mathematics - We have developed our understanding of percentages and investigated equivalences of fractions and decimals. 


Please do not forget to check Mr Flanagan's You Tube channel for "how to" guides related to our class learning.


RE - On Tuesday afternoon we had the local church group come into school and perform the play, "Fisherman's tail." They retold the parables of Jesus and what roles the disciples had on spreading the good news of God. 


World Book Day - On Thursday we carried out several activities related to our love of books! Our most memorable moment was reading to nursery and class 1. 

Week 3


Literacy - We have applied our knowledge of persuasive sentence structures to plan our persuasive letter. Next week we shall use our skills to create an independent write. 


Mathematics - This week we have covered several areas of mathematics. We started off applying our knowledge of percent to work out percentages of amounts. Then we investigated how to work out the mean. If you ever need a reminder, watch the catchy song found in the link below!


Topic - We were introduced to our science topic of the circulatory system and investigated how the heart works. In PSHE we held a class discussion related to the current topic of conversation - the Cornovirus. Key discussion points included:

  • How to prevent the virus
  • What is the Government doing to prevent the spread of the virus
  • Should we believe all information given to us on social media. 


First Aid - We started off our First Aid Training by learning about 

D - Danger

R - Response

S - Shout!

A - Airways

B - Breathing

C - Circulation


We look forward to our next session on choking next week!


First Aid - D.R.S.A.B.C and CPR

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.