Week 7
Poetry! We started our new poetry unit this week and the children have really enjoyed acting out some of the descriptive lines from the poems we have been looking at. We have explored the features of poems and wrote our own first drafts. Our prayer leaders are really enjoying leading our collective worships on a Tuesday afternoon. Well done Libby and Bella.
Week 6
Warning, science experiment taking place!
This week class 3 have been investigating the effects of friction. We dropped toy cars down ramps made of various materials to see which material would make the car travel the slowest and which material would make it travel the fastest. we found out that carpet exerted the most friction and therefore the car traveled the slowest and wood exerted the lowest amount of friction so the car traveled the fastest on this ramp.
Week 5
We have been investigating non-chronological reports. We have looked at all the features, including sub-headings, titles, grouping information, paragraphs and bullet points. Also this week we have enjoyed logging on to TT Rockstars to keep up with our times tables practice.
Week 4
This week class 3 have been learning all about the life of stone age man. We have investigated how life changed through all three time periods within the stone age. We have looked at how clothing, food, homes and tools changed from the Paleolithic to the Mesolithic times.
We have also continued our investigation into magnets by conducting a fair test to find our which magnet is the strongest.
Week 3
Class 3 have been really enjoying learning all about magnets. We have looked at materials which are magnetic and non-magnetic and conducted an experiment to see if our predictions were correct. The class found out that gold, even though it is a metal, is not magnetic; which we found surprising.