
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School



  • Look at power point for today's lesson.
  • Begin by answering questions on power point about story continuation & characters feelings.
  • Now re-read the play script you read yesterday and then write a play script continuing Act 1 Scene 3 after Macbeth has spoken to the three witches.


  • Using today’s power point look at reasoning questions linked with ratio. Work through the power point questions (the answer is on the slide after the question) to develop your own understanding.
  • Once complete look at reasoning question sheets.   You may have to copy some things into your book to complete some questions (unless you can print sheets at home). Choose the star level you usually work on and check answers once completed.
  • Afternoon Work:
  • Using your research from the past two days write a newspaper report which covers the current situation in the UK. Talk about what is happening with the virus, how the virus began and is being spread and what the government are doing to help reduce the spread of the disease. Remember the features of a newspaper we have discussed before and that you will need to include both direct and indirect quotes in your writing (these can either be created by you or be taken from BBC news etc)


  • PE with Joe Wickes

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.