Week 7
Class 3 have had a fabulous week celebrating plenty of festive fun.
In Guided Reading this week, we have completed many comprehension and retrieval tasks about mince pies, Santa and Rudolf. The children have enjoyed reading instructions and finding rhyming couplets within a text.
In Literacy this week, we finished writing our Stone Age instructions and also completed our very own letters to Santa. The children thoroughly enjoyed writing their letters and paid particular attention to presentation, capital letters and full stops.
In Maths, children have explored perimeter and area. We have tried very hard to remember that perimeter is the outside of a shape and area is the inside of a shape. We have used problem solving and reasoning to further our understanding and explanations.
In Spanish this week, children have recapped Spanish colours to discuss our likes and dislikes by using ‘me gusta’ or ‘no me gusta’. We also explored school subjects and shared our favourite subject areas.
Class 3 have enjoyed singing Christmas songs in the hall, having lots of fun at our Christmas party and let’s not forget Christmas dinner and party food!
Well done Class 3 for having a fantastic half term. You have shown great resilience and determination throughout the Autumn term and I am very proud.
Have a wonderful Christmas, stay safe and enjoy the holidays!
Week 6
This week, Class 3 have worked incredibly hard during our assessment week. The children have shown great determination and resilience throughout the week.
In Guided Reading this week, we have completed numerous reading comprehensions about the Romans. This has not only improved our comprehension and retrieval skills, but links nicely with our History focus also.
In Literacy this week, we have looked at time connectives, verbs and adverbs to support our instructions writing. Next week, we are going to use these key skills to write a set of instructions about how to make a Stone Age meal.
In Maths, children have continued to explore measure. Our focus this week has been converting kilometres and metres, along with recapping millimetres, centimetres and metres.
In Spanish this week, children have used their knowledge of the word ‘soy’ to help them retell a Spanish story. In addition to this, we have also explored the names of Spanish colours.
In Art this week, Class 3 have made a calendar inspired by the abstract work of Hundertwasser, a well known Austrian artist and architect.
Well done Class 3!
Stay safe and have a great weekend.
Week 5
This week, we have enjoyed reading The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. We have focused on our retrieval skills this week, finding key information from the text.
In Literacy this week, we have finished writing our Stone Age stories. We then presented our stories to the class using our loud and proud voices and used peer assessment to consider 2 strengths of our writing, along with an area of improvement for next time.
In Maths, children have explored measure and equivalent lengths this week. Children have practiced measuring varying objects accurately with a ruler and converted measurements such as metres, centimetres and millimetres.
In Spanish this week, children have learnt the meaning of the word ‘soy’, meaning I am. We then used our prior knowledge and a range of vocabulary to decode a Spanish story.
In PE, we have continued to work hard developing our fundamental skills such as jumping, dodging and ducking to further our understanding of dodgeball.
In Art this week, we have studied the abstract art and architecture of Hundertwasser, an Austrian artist famous for his crazy and creative ideas. We are going to use his ideas to create our very own piece of art influenced by Hundertwasser.
Well done Class 3!
Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.
Week 4
This week, we have enjoyed reading The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. We have emphasised the importance of inference and retrieval skills this week as we progress through the book.
In Literacy this week, we have segmented our Stone Age story writing into a paragraph a day, making sure that we are able to spent sufficient time on handwriting, spelling, punctuation and editing our work.
In Maths, children have continued to solve addition and subtraction problems using column method. We are working hard to improve our understanding of exchange. Also, we have briefly explored measure, spending time using rulers to measure items around the classroom.
In History this week, Class 3 have accessed many differing sources of information to create their very own Stone Age fact file about religion, culture and beliefs in the Stone Age. This has given children the opportunity to access a variety of sources on the iPads and use their summary skills to condense key information for their fact file.
In ICT this week, we have continued to used Purple Mash to explore spreadsheets. We used 2Calculate to present data relating to our likes and interests, such as animals, colours, footballers and characters.
In PE, we have worked hard to develop our fundamental skills then playing dodgeball. This week, we focused on jumping, ducking and dodging. Children worked in pairs to complete a variety of tasks and games, utilising these key areas.
Well done Class 3!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 3
Well done Class 3 for your fantastic efforts this week.
This week, we have continued reading The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. Children have focused on using their inference, retrieval and explanation skills to further their comprehension of a text.
In Literacy this week, we have planned out 5 sections of our Stone Age narrative. Those being the beginning, build up, problem, resolution and ending. Children used their History knowledge gained during prior learning to support their story writing development.
In Maths, children have looked at problem solving using addition and subtraction. We have worked hard to read word problems and take meaning from the question, making sure that we use the correct method when completing our sums.
In Science this week, Class 3 have explored the advantages and disadvantages of friction. We looked at everyday objects and activities such as running, cycling, using a slide or playing with a fidget spinner and how friction may be helpful or unhelpful during these tasks.
In ICT this week, we have continued to used Purple Mash to explore spreadsheets. We used 2Calculate to present data including the greater than, less than and equals to symbols.
In PE, our current focuses are fundamental skills and dodgeball. We have looked at the importance of speed, agility, movement and changes in the body as we accelerate.
Well done Class 3!
Have a great weekend.
Week 2
Well done Class 3 for working very hard this week.
This week, we have continued to read The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me. Children have focused on utilising their inference, retrieval and summary skills when reading the text to further their understanding and comprehension.
In Literacy this week, we have created our very own Stone Age character and written a character description based on their appearance, personality and actions. We emphasised our descriptive skills when writing, using similes, expanded noun phrases and commas to make a list.
In Maths, children have looked at column addition and subtraction this week and using inverse to check their methods. We have worked hard to use inverse with part whole models and using the column method to check our strategies.
In Science this week, Class 3 have completed an investigation exploring the impact gravity can have on differing objects. Children chose objects from around the classroom, made a prediction to think about which object may fall first and why, using key scientific vocabulary such as mass, weight, surface area, gravity and air resistance.
In ICT this week, we have used Purple Mash to explore spreadsheets. We used 2Calculate to present data and show this within varying formats such as a bar graph or a pie chart.
In History this week, we explored primary and secondary sources. Children used a Venn diagram to identify sources that could potentially overlap given their individual context. For example, books may be a primary source if it was a diary entry found at the original site. However, research books such as textbooks rely on secondary information.
Well done Class 3!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Week 1
Class 3 have had a great first week back to start the second Autumn term.
This week, we have started reading our new Guided Reading book ‘The Giraffe, the Pelly and Me’ by Roald Dahl. The children have explored new vocabulary and the meaning of unfamiliar words, along with inferring meaning from a text and retrieving key information.
In Literacy this week, we have explored main characters within the book ‘The First Drawing’. We are focusing on character appearance, speech and movement, ready to write a character description next week. To improve our descriptive skills, we have explored expanded noun phrases, similes and coordinating conjunctions this week.
In Maths, children have looked at column addition this week, adding two, three- and four-digit numbers. We have tried very hard to make sure that our place value knowledge is used to align each column before completing our additions with exchange.
In Science this week, Class 3 have continued to explore Forces and Magnets. We have looked at the importance of Gravity and how this particular force helps us with day to day life. In addition to this, we investigated how weight, size, shape and air resistance can affect the force of gravity.
In PE, we have focused on fundamental skills to support our progression and performance. This week, our skill focus was balance. Children completed a circuit of four activities, all emphasising the importance of balance and core strength.
In ICT this week, we looked back at our time working on coding with Bright Box. We worked hard completing booklets, sharing the work that we completed in order to achieve an Arts award.
Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!
Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.