
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 2 - Steel City

This term our focus is a Local Study looking at aspects of both history and geography. 

Enquiry Question

Why is Sheffield known as the 'Steel City'?

w/e Friday 7th July 2023

The cushions are finished and they are amazing. they will be on sale at the Summer Fayre on Thursday for £1.50. (Your child can reserve their own).


P.E. Stars

W/e 30th June

Another busy week!

P.E. Stars

Year 5 took part in a Sports festival at St Pius on the 29th June. They had a great time and got to experience lots of different sports. 


Parent's afternoon helped the children finish or make good progress with their Design Technology project:- cushions. There are some amazing pieces of work!

W/E 23rd June

Some of Class 4 attended a Ks2 Sports Festival on Friday. We had great fun playing lots of new and interesting games from Boccia, Kin Ball, wheel chair basketball and Taekwondo.

Today the children have been doing preparation for things to sell at the summer Fayre. They look like they have had fun. 

On Wednesday Year 5 went to St Pius for a taster day it had a History theme and focused on World War 2. They had a great time and really impressed the St Pius teachers with their knowledge of World War 2. 

This week we have had a really busy week that started with a trip to Eden Camp on Tuesday. We had the best time and learnt even more about World War 2 despite the rain. 

W/e Friday 16th June 2023

In design technology the children are going to design a make a felt cushion. The first lesson was to learn how to thread a needle, knot the thread and do running stitch on a sampler. They will be moving onto cross stitch next.

P.E. Stars this week for throwing and catching paired work.

Child led worship on the theme of our R.E. Building Bridges between friends.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.