
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Class 4

Welcome to Class 4


The class teachers are Mrs Walker, teaching Monday to Wednesday morning and Mrs Kehoe, teaching Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday.

The class TA is Miss Hughes.


We hope you enjoy sharing our learning journey each week. 

We are all very excited about the year ahead, it's going to be amazing!





Class 4 Reminders

Homework will be set  each Wednesday. There will be a piece of maths, writing and spellings to learn each week.

Spelling tests are on Fridays. Spellings will be sent home in spelling books each week and there will be practice games set online on  Spelling Shed which your child will be given a password for.

P.E. is on Mondays and Fridays.

Don't forget your P.E. kit including a warm tracksuit and trainers/pumps - we will be outside as often as possible.

For reading we expect and hope that the children to do a minimum of 5-10 minutes reading each night. If you would like to carry out extra activities, here are some options you may wish to choose:

- discussing key characters and settings

- making a list of unfamiliar words and their meanings

- discussing the book with your child and the events that occur.


Thank you so much in advance for your support and encouragement.

Take a look at the Long Term Planning document below to discover what your child will be learning this academic year.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.