
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn 1

Week 7 WK BG 11.10.21

Literacy- We read Mrs Armitage Queen of the Road and thought about ways we could recycle the parts that fell off her car! We worked together in pairs to share ideas.

Science- Forces- Sorting objects that use a push and a pull force.

ICT- We have been learning to log in to Purple Mash with a user name and password. We know to keep passwords safe and why we use them. We have been exploring Purple Mash paint projects.

Week 6 WK BG 4.10.21

Don't forget this week's homework is on Purple Mash. Children have their login details on their reading diaries.

In our History lesson this week, we learnt about what life in London was like in 1666. We compared London in the past to the present day. We have enjoyed using time lapses, photos, paintings and diaries as sources of evidence.

In maths this week, we have been finding fun ways to learn our times tables. Remember to log-in to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) every week to practise your times tables.

The Counting by Twos Song - Scratch Garden

2 Times Tables Song - Numberjacks

Week 5 WK BG 27.9.21

As part of our science lesson about movement we did a zumba dance to the song 'I like to move it' as a warm up to our lesson.

Zumba Kids (easy dance) - I like to move it

The children have enjoyed listening to 'We are going on a bear hunt'. They learnt the makaton signs to help retell the story. They then created a story map and added sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops. Some children even used onomatopoeia to describe some of the actions in the story.

Makaton Signed Story - WE'RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT - Singing Hands

Today's #Makaton #SignedStory is this classic tale written by Michael Rosen and illustrated by Helen Oxenbury.

In computing we learnt how to login to Purple Mash using our new usernames and passwords. We discussed why we need to keep our login details safe. Some groups of children were able to login independently, open a paint program and create a picture adding their name. We then learnt how to log out properly. We will be practicing this over the next few weeks. Try and login at home. Can you create an avatar for your account?

Week 4 WK BG 20.9.21

Don't forget its homework in purple books this week! Please bring your book back on Monday 27th September.

COUNTING 1-20 - Singing Hands Makaton Topic

This week we have been learning to sign numbers to 20 as part of our inclusive maths lesson. The children thoroughly enjoyed learning these signs and sharing them with others. Have a go at home if you can. Numbers 10-20 are a challenge.

We have been enjoying finding more stories by Jill Murphy and have been listening to them in class.

Continuing our 'families' theme in Literacy we learnt to read and join in with a poem 'I have a little brother'. Why not have a go at reading it out loud at home. Can you add some actions like we did in class?

Children have also been exploring our new maths scheme 'Power Maths' They have enjoyed working in their new books to solve number problems and challenges, using practical resources to help them.

Photos to follow...

Week 3 WK BG 13.9.21

Literacy - 'Five Minutes' Peace' by Jill Murphy. Retelling the story by creating a story map.

As part of our PHSE lesson we read the 'Huge bag of worries' and made our own bags to put our worries in. Children then had the opportunity to share any worries they may have and ways to feel better.

The Huge Bag of Worries

A calming and helpful story for children to help understand and cope with any worries.

Science- Identifying ways our bodies move. Recording using a tally chart and block graph.

Week 2 WK BG 6.9.21

Having fun with ' Go Noodle' - You can sign up to the website for some fantastic exercises and dances you can do at home. The children love it!

Banana Banana Meatball - Blazer Fresh | GoNoodle

This week we learnt Banana Banana Meatball.

Our first PE lesson with Mr Johnson learning how to keep safe in our space and learning how to improve our balance skills. We had two stars of the week for their hard work and great listening skills.

Week 1 WK BG 1.9.21

Hello Class 2! Welcome back to what we hope will be a wonderful, fun filled, learning journey this year! It has been lovely to see some familiar faces from last year and some new ones too!!! Everyone has settled in really well this week, finding out where things are in the classroom and getting used to new routines. We have all been very proud of all the children. 


The children have enjoyed listening to a story about the 'Cautious Caterpillar' and helped him on his journey to become a butterfly by writing encouraging messages to him on leaves, to help him overcome his worries. 


In Class 2 we believe we are all 'Wise Owls' and this week the children learnt about the wise owl rules. We talked about having kind hands and using kind words, about listening and trying hard as well as being a good friend to others. We look forward to seeing some amazing work from all our wise owls this year.


Each week we will update this page, so please do take the time to look at the pictures and videos we post. We love to share what the children have been doing each week and celebrate their learning. If you have any questions about our learning and want to know more about how you can support your child at home please do feel free to come and see us.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.