Week 7 WK BG 11.10.21
Week 6 WK BG 4.10.21
In maths this week, we have been finding fun ways to learn our times tables. Remember to log-in to Times Tables Rock Stars (TTRS) every week to practise your times tables.
Week 5 WK BG 27.9.21
Week 4 WK BG 20.9.21
We have been enjoying finding more stories by Jill Murphy and have been listening to them in class.
Children have also been exploring our new maths scheme 'Power Maths' They have enjoyed working in their new books to solve number problems and challenges, using practical resources to help them.
Photos to follow...
Week 3 WK BG 13.9.21
Week 2 WK BG 6.9.21
Hello Class 2! Welcome back to what we hope will be a wonderful, fun filled, learning journey this year! It has been lovely to see some familiar faces from last year and some new ones too!!! Everyone has settled in really well this week, finding out where things are in the classroom and getting used to new routines. We have all been very proud of all the children.
The children have enjoyed listening to a story about the 'Cautious Caterpillar' and helped him on his journey to become a butterfly by writing encouraging messages to him on leaves, to help him overcome his worries.
In Class 2 we believe we are all 'Wise Owls' and this week the children learnt about the wise owl rules. We talked about having kind hands and using kind words, about listening and trying hard as well as being a good friend to others. We look forward to seeing some amazing work from all our wise owls this year.
Each week we will update this page, so please do take the time to look at the pictures and videos we post. We love to share what the children have been doing each week and celebrate their learning. If you have any questions about our learning and want to know more about how you can support your child at home please do feel free to come and see us.