
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 11.01.2021

Happy Friday!

I have attached a quick audio recording to say a huge thank you and well done for all of your efforts this week, both parents and children included! Thank you for your fantastic engagement on Purple Mash, your work has been amazing! Have a well deserved rest this weekend and I look forward to receiving lots more of your work next week! Keep it up.

Here is today's planning, children must complete an online SPAG activity, Literacy, Reading, Maths and Art. The online SPAG activity today focuses on statement sentences. In Literacy, the children are using the narrative plans from this week to start writing their story, inspired by The Pebble in My Pocket. In Maths, we are looking at subtracting fractions today and lastly, in Art we are continuing to research Vincent Van Gogh.

Here is today's (Thursday's) planning, children must complete a SPAG and Literacy lesson, Maths, Guided Reading and Geography.

Here is today's planning. Children have five activities to complete, SPAG and Literacy, Guided Reading, Maths and Science.

Here is Tuesday's planning, consisting of a SPAG starter, Literacy, Guided Reading, Maths, PE and RE.

Here is Monday's planning. Children have a SPAG activity, Reading, Literacy, Maths and PSHE to complete.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.