
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 6: In Class 5 we learnt about the origins of the grapefruit and where in Spain it is grown. Learnt about the different varieties of grapefruits and used these to create mocktails and smoothies. Everyone loved our Sangria! Here is a collection of pictures from the day.

Week 5: This afternoon we looked at fingerprints! First we took our own fingers and learnt to classify them into loops, arches or whorls. Then, Class 5 attempted to lift latent fingers from surfaces such as glass using coca powder and cellotape.

Week 4: This week in R.E, we compared the same story within 4 different Gospels to see which similarities and which differences could be found.

Week3: This week, Class 5 started their new topic: I.D. Their task was to give 'John Doe' an identity using their own traits and features. I think Mr. Tasker in a morphsuit suited the task perfectly!

Week 2: This week, our topic Off with her Head! draws to a close. To celebrate our topic, Class 5 have been tasked with making weapons or punishment devices that would have been common in Tudor times.

Week 1: To introduce our new Come and See topic, Class 5 created a book review of our current focus text in literacy - Gone Away! Take a look at a few of their opinions and comments.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.