Welcome back to a very exciting half-term! We will be even busier than usual here in Class 2. We will be doing lots of creative Christmas crafts and there will also be a very special performance to prepare for! So please keep checking texts and emails for information and dates to be aware of.
A few points to note this half term....
Week 7
Week 6
Week 3
This week we have been learning all about algorithms and we have been following these to create pictures using the laptops. We had to follow the instructions very carefully to create the same picture as our Teachers.
This week we celebrated odd socks day as part of anti-bullying week. We used odd socks as a representation that it is ok to be different and we need to celebrate our individuality. We enjoyed discussing our odd socks and shared our similarities and differences.
In Read Write Inc we started a new story book and enjoyed sharing this with our partners. We worked together to read and spell new sounds and words.
A very excited class member and his Grandad found something amazing whilst out exploring nature... A real life hornet's nest! The class were fascinated by the size and texture and the shapes they could see inside. We took this learning opportunity and learnt all about how they make their nests and what they do inside them! Thank you for sharing this!
Visit to Goldthorpe Library
We went to Goldthorpe library this week for a VIP tour! We learnt that there are lots of things that you can do at the library - it's not just great books you know!
We saw information on display from the Local History Society and we found books about the Kings and Queens that we have been learning about in our own History topic. The library let us borrow a book each and the people who work there showed us how to use the machine with our class library card. We had great fun and we are going to ask our adults at home to make sure that we are members of the library, so that we can visit and borrow books whenever we want!
Week 2
This week we read all about the tiger who came for tea... we enjoyed it so much we went to the Lyceum in Sheffield to watch the theatre production! We loved it! What a treat!
Week 1