
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Week Beginning 04.01.2021

Thank you and well done!

I have attached a quick audio clip to say thank you and well done to all Class 3 children for their brilliant efforts this week. Please keep sharing your work on Purple Mash and thinking of new, creative ways to complete your learning at home. I am very proud! Keep it up.

Here is today's planning (8.1.21). Class 3 children have a Literacy, SPAG, Reading, Maths and Art to complete today.

Here is today's planning for Class 3, consisting of the following lessons: Literacy, Reading, Maths and Geography.

Attached is today's planning for Class 3. Today's lessons are Literacy and SPAG, Reading, Maths, RE and PSHE.

Here is today's planning for Class 3 children to complete, consisting of a Literacy activity, Reading, Maths, PE and Science. All tasks can be completed electronically or on paper and must be returned via Purple Mash.

Here is today's planning for Class 3, containing Literacy and SPAG tasks, Reading, Maths, RE and PSHE. All documents are accessible on Purple Mash and can be completed on paper or online using the links provided.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.