
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Autumn 2

Week 7


W.B 16.11.24

KS1 have worked extremely hard to put on an amazing show for their families and friends. We are extremely proud of all all of them. What a way to finish off the term! We are looking forward to spending time with our loved ones  during the Christmas break and come back refreshed and ready to make some more happy memories on our learning journey in 2025!


Week 6

W.B 9.12.24

We have enjoyed taking part in a variety of Christmas themed activities this week.

We had collective worship in class and lit one of the candles on our Advent wreath. We also retold the Nativity story using characters from the Travelling Crib.




Week 5

W.B 2.11.24

This week we put the Christmas tree up. We enjoyed decorating it. We also took part in a Christingle service and an Elf run for charity.


Week 4

W.B 25.11.24

This week  we were reading a tradition story called, ‘The Three Little Pigs.’We drew pictures of our favourite parts of the story.


W.B  18.11.24

This week we started a new R.E topic (Birthday).

We  talked about our own birthdays and had a party for Fred the Frog!


Week 2

W.B 11.11.24

This week we were learning about Remembrance Day and finding out the reason why people wear poppies. We also had our Parents Afternoon and finished the week celebrating Children In Need Day.


Week 1 


W.B 4.11.24 

We have had a lovely start to this term. We enjoyed learning about The Gunpowder Plot and having the  relative  activities that consolidated our learning.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.