
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 6


Well done Class 3 for yet another great week and a fantastic half term.


This week, children have finished reading Bill’s New Frock in Guided Reading. Children have explored new vocabulary, made predictions, along with applying inference and retrieval skills this week.


In Literacy, children have started planning their very own newspaper article. The article links to our history focus of ancient Rome and allows children to write about a rare artefact that has been found following the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii.  


In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring multiplication and division, looking at problem solving this week. Some children have needed visual support and times tables squares to support their learning. Further access to TTRS and listening to times table songs at home will support learning and recall.


In Science this week, we have studied plant adaptations to their habitats and environments, such as a cactus having a waxy outer layer to ensure that they retain water and spiky spines to reflect the sunlight. We also questioned environmental changes and how this may result in further plant adaptations.


In History, we have explored the expansion of the roman army and introduced Boudicca, ready for when this topic is revisited in the summer 1 term.


In Art, children have studied the work of Hundertwasser to inspire their very own creations and designs of a house. Children also studied monuments, learning the purpose and meaning behind well known monuments around the world.

Week 5


Well done Class 3 for yet another great week.


This week, children have continued reading Bill’s New Frock in Guided Reading. Children have explored new vocabulary, made predictions, along with applying inference and retrieval skills this week. This week, Bill got into a fight with his friend Rohan over a comic book during a wet play time.


In Literacy, children have started to explore our new writing style of newspaper articles. We have explored model texts, including key features such as inverted commas, writing in the third person and writing in the past tense.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued exploring multiplication and division, looking at problem solving this week. Some children have needed visual support and times tables squares to support their learning. Further access to TTRS and listening to times table songs at home will support learning and recall.


In Science this week, we have studied animal adaptations to their habitats and environments, such as a camel having longer eye lashes to protect its eyes from sand and dust. We also questioned environmental changes and how this may result in further animal adaptation or possible extinction.


In History, we have explored archaeological sites linking to ancient Rome, studying artefacts and Roman houses. We explored how wealth impacted the way in which people lived in the past, as poorer people often lived in unhygienic, wooden apartments in the busy city, whereas the wealthy often had large, private villas in the quiet countryside.   


In PE this week, children have completed a football lesson with Mr Johnson, along with a basketball lesson too. Children learnt dribbling skills within both lessons, exploring ball control and enjoyed a small competition. This week, children also developed their skills to use a chest pass within a game.  

Week 4


Well done Class 3 for yet another great week.


This week, children have continued reading Bill’s New Frock in Guided Reading. Children have explored new vocabulary, made predictions, along with applying inference and retrieval skills this week. This week, Bill was given lots of jobs from adults around the school. Unfortunately, Bill was unsuccessful with his jobs and was now worried about getting in trouble.


In Literacy, children have continued to explore our writing style of persuasive writing. Children have written their very own persuasive advertisement, selling either a holiday to Italy or a villa in ancient Rome.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored multiplication and division, particularly 4s, and 8s. Some children have needed visual support and times tables squares to support their learning. Further access to TTRS and listening to times table songs at home will support learning and recall.


In Science this week, we have studied classifying animals and plants, along with exploring the differing methods to do this.


In History, we have explored archaeological sites linking to ancient Rome, studying artefacts, Roman roads within the UK and the lost city of Pompeii. 


In Art this week, children explored printing and the unique and unusual art of Hundertwasser. Children isolated and enlarged a section of their observational house drawing and printed this in small groups. Others explored Hundertwasser patterns and colours.


In PE this week, children have completed a football lesson with Mr Johnson, along with a basketball lesson too. Children learnt dribbling skills within both lessons, exploring ball control and enjoyed a small competition.

Week 3


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


This week, children have continued reading Bill’s New Frock in Guided Reading. Children have explored new vocabulary, made predictions, along with applying inference and retrieval skills this week.


In Literacy, children have completed writing a letter to a chosen character from our book Escape from Pompeii. This week, children have explored our new writing style of persuasive writing. Children have explored model texts for this writing style and identified a for and against argument for a Rome holiday, or purchasing a Roman villa.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored multiplication and division, particularly 3s, 4s, 6s and 9s. Some children have needed visual support and times tables squares to support their learning. Further access to TTRS and listening to times table songs at home will support learning and recall.


In Science this week, we have studied classifying animals and plants, along with exploring the differing methods to do this.


In History, we have explored Julius Caesar by creating a fact file, along with exploring other important individuals of the Roman empire.  


In Art this week, children explored observational drawing further and isolated a section of last weeks observations, enlarging this area ready to print next week.


In PE this week, children have completed a football lesson with Mr Johnson, along with a basketball lesson too. Children learnt dribbling skills within both lessons, exploring ball control too.

Week 2


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


This week, children have continued reading Bill’s New Frock in Guided Reading. Children have explored new vocabulary, made predictions, along with applying inference and retrieval skills this week.


In Literacy, children have continued writing a letter to a character to Escape from Pompeii. Children have tried very hard to include paragraphs, commas and question marks in the correct places.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored area this week, along with progressing onto our multiplication and division unit, looking at equal groups specifically this week.


In Science this week, we have studied grouping plants. Children explored the key features of varying plants to identify differing ways in which they can be grouped.


In History, we have explored the growth of the Roman empire. In addition to this, Class 3 had a lovely visit this week from a VR headset company. During this session, children explored the streets of Ancient Rome, visited the colosseum and much more.


In Art this week, children explored observational drawing further and tried very hard to draw differing houses and structures, using pictures to add detail.


Week 1


Class 3 have had a fantastic week, they have settled back into our class routine wonderfully and enjoyed seeing friends after the holidays.


This week, children have explored Bill’s New Frock in Guided Reading. Children have made observations from the front cover, the title of the book and the blurb to support them when making a prediction about what the book may entail.


In Literacy, children have started to explore Escape from Pompeii. This text links well to our previous topic knowledge within Geography and History as we explore the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Pompeii in 79 AD.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored area and perimeter this week, continuing our learning of measure from the autumn 2 term. Children have mastered the understanding of area and perimeter referring to the inside and outside space and length of a shape.


In Science this week, we have started to look at our new topic, Living Things and Their Habitats. Children have completed a preassessment and explored the varying grouping methods to categorise animals.


In History, we have started to research Ancient Rome. This week, children have completed a timeline and recapped previously time periods taught, including the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.

Truss Bridges

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.