
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School


These resources have the instructions, power point, questions and challenge questions all in the same document to make things a little easier. With some of the power points you will have audio instructions but only in the power point not the PDF so where possible use the power point. These resources can be found below:

On Friday you began researching Karl Landsteiner. Karl Landsteiner is a famous Austrian who is best know for discovering the main blood groups which allowed doctors to carry out blood transfusions safely. I have attached some additional research below, using your own notes and my research I would like you to write a non-chronological report about Karl Landsteiner, blood groups and blood transfusions. You should use the following headings to structure your report:

  • Who was Karl Landsteiner?
  • Karl Landsteiner's Discovery
  • Blood Groups & Blood Transfusions
  • Why was Karl Landsteiner's discovery so important?
One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.