
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 4


This week Class 4 took part in a whole school Maths week in which we designed, made and flew our rockets.  We found that:-


When the rocket is mounted on the launch tube, air is pumped into the bottle rocket using a bicycle pump.  The air inside the rocket builds up pressure,  when the pressure becomes too much it pressurises within the bottle by pushing the cork out of the neck of the bottle.  This generates thrust (like when the rockets launch into space) when the water is expelled from the rocket through the nozzle at the    bottom and the rocket launches across the playground.


The rocket that flew the furthest was Zaks at 15m.


Week 3


Wow, what a week!  Well done Class 4 for all your hard work in your assessments, you should be proud of the progress you have made during this crazy year.  

This week we have focused on developing our rounders skills and hand eye coordination.  We have also uncovered a plot twist in 'The House with Chicken Legs' in that Marinka is in fact a ghost and if the myth of Baba Yaga is a good one or in fact evil!  Only time will tell.

We have also spent time today pinning and cutting our felt for out mythical sea creatures.  Well done Class 4 you are amazing!

Week 2


Class 4 have worked incredibly hard this week, in PSHE we have begun to read the book 'Journey to Jo'burg' by Beverley Naidoo, in order to discuss issues relating to apartheid, passbooks, as well as debating the question 'Are all societies treat the same'.

In Literacy, children have continued to read our class novel, The House with Chicken legs and have begun to write character descriptions for their own mythical creatures.  

Meanwhile, in maths we have finished out topic on time in preparation for our assessments next week.

In PE we have learnt how to bowl underarm as well as playing continuous cricket to develop fielding and bowling skills.

Lastly, in Art we have drawn our own alternative realties using one point perspective, inspired by Dr Seuss, whilst in DT we have begun drawing our final designs of our mythical sea creatures in preparation for making our design templates and sewing them next week.

Well done Class 4, you are awesome!

Week 1


This week the children have begun reading The House with Chicken Legs as their new literacy novel.  As part of this, the children have looked at myths and legends such as Robin Hood and Thor and discussed if a Baba Yaga is good or bad.  As part of this, the children have begun to design their own mythical sea creature that they will make out of felt, in doing so, they have worked extremely hard to learn new sewing techniques such as running stitch, back stitch and blanket stitch.  

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.