
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 2

Week 7


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


This week, children have finished reading Leo and the Gorgon’s curse. Children thoroughly enjoyed the ending of this story when Athena was served her own fair justice.


In Literacy, children have created a setting description linking back to our refugee work. Children have chosen either a tornado, tsunami or civil war to impact their setting location.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored adding and subtracting fractions, along with learning further about equivalent fractions.


In RE this week, children used water colour pencils to create a lovely, colourful piece of art work to share their understanding of the cross and its relevance within the Easter story. Children then used this art to create an Easter card.


Well done class 3, great work!


Have a lovely half term!

Week 6


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


Class 3 have tried incredibly hard throughout assessment week this week, well done!


This week, children have continued reading Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse. This week, children have used VIPERS skills to explore Leo’s current adventures within Athens.  


In Literacy, children have created a set of instructions including time conjunctions and adverbs. Children wrote the set of instructions from the perspective of a refugee, aiding people in surviving a natural disaster or a civil war.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored fractions, particularly adding and subtracting fractions. Children have worked with fractions sharing a common denominator this week.


In Geography, children have explored coordinates this week, along with comparing similarities and differences between Switzerland and Italy (our current focus study).


Well done class 3, great work!

Week 5


Well done Class 3 for yet another wonderful week.


This week, children have continued reading Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse. This week, children have used VIPERS skills to explore Leo’s current adventure to Poseidon’s temple to find and slay the Gorgon.  


In Literacy, children have researched a famous refugee, Mo Farah. Children have learnt about his journey to England from Somalia as a child. This information will later be included in a non-chronological report.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored fractions, particularly finding a fraction of an amount, problem solving and adding fractions with a common denominator.


In Geography, children have explored a volcano in Italy. Children researched the location, height and width of the volcano, along with animals and plants that are likely to grow or live near the location. Children have also compared new knowledge of Italy to their prior knowledge of Switzerland.


Well done class 3, great work!

Week 4


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


This week, children have continued reading Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse. This week, children have used VIPERS skills to explore Leo’s curiosity and bravery when capturing the sea serpent, along with other mythical creatures.


In Literacy, children have continued to explore non-chronological reports, looking at past tense verbs and the appropriate use of apostrophes.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored fractions, particularly finding a fraction of an amount. Children used their multiplication and division knowledge to support their learning further.


In PE, children have used their bounce pass and overarm throws to partake within small competitive games of handball.


In Geography, children have explored a river in Italy. Children researched the location, length and width of the river, along with animals and plants that are likely to grow or live near the location.


Well done class 3, great work!

Week 3


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


This week, children have continued reading Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse. This week, children have used VIPERS skills to explore Leo’s curiosity and bravery.


In Literacy, children have started exploring non-chronological reports. Children have explored model texts and recapped essential punctuation and grammar.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored fractions, using the words numerator and denominator consistently.


In Spanish, children have used their knowledge of animal, colours, adjectives and opinions to write a sentence with adjectives and opinions in the correct order.


In PE, children have started to explore hand ball. Children practiced the bounce pass and the overarm throw this week before applying this knowledge to a small, competitive game.


Well done class 3, great work!

Week 2


Well done Class 3 for yet another fantastic week.


This week, children have continued reading Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse. This week, children have used VIPERS skills to explore what lessons Leo completes at his Greek mythology school in Athens. Leo also spied on Athena and her hero training sessions.


In Literacy, children have started planning a diary entry from the perspective of a refugee, inspired by our class book My Name is Not Refugee. Children have worked hard to include conjunctions, commas to make a list and direct speech.


In Maths, Class 3 have explored division this week, applying their knowledge of multiplication and grouping to support their learning.


In Geography, Class 3 explored mountains, mountain formation and key features, along with exploring mountains in Italy.


In Spanish, children have used their knowledge of animal, colours, adjectives and opinions to write a sentence with adjectives and opinions in the correct order.


On World Book Day, children had lots of fun exploring activities linking to the book The Word Collector. Children collected their very own words from around school and explored synonyms. Children also created some art work to represent their word.


Well done class 3, great work!

Week 1


Class 3 have had a fantastic week, they have settled back into our class routine wonderfully and enjoyed seeing friends after the holidays.


This week, children have explored Leo and the Gorgon’s Curse in Guided Reading. Children have made observations from the front cover, the title of the book and the blurb to support them when making a prediction about what the book may entail, along with utilising VIPERS skills daily (vocabulary, inference, prediction, explain, retrieve and summarise).


In Literacy, children have started to explore My Name is Not Refugee. This text links well to our current topic knowledge within Geography as we continue to explore Europe.


In Maths, Class 3 have continued to explore multiplication and division. Children have used pictorial representation to multiply a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. This week we also used a previously learnt skill of column addition to further our understanding.  


In Science this week, we have continued looking at Living Things and Their Habitats. Children have explored animal and plant adaptations previously. This week, we looked at habitat adaptations, such as the impact of deforestation. We considered how this could impact people, animals and plants, considering climate change, the destruction of homes and the depletion of food sources.


In Geography, we are now revisiting our previous learning of Europe, focusing specifically on Italy. This week, explored European countries and flags, along with completing a research task to learn facts about Italy, such as languages, currency, climate, population and vegetation.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.