
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Class 4

Class 4

Class 4 Maths Plan

Welcome to Class 4

We have had a busy start to the new academic year, in particular for our topic 'I am Warrior'.  The children have enjoyed writing their descriptive soliloquies, whilst also filming them to develop their speech and language skills.  In maths, class 4 have been improving their place value knowledge, skills and understanding.  They have also completed a series of assessments in maths, spelling and GPS.

Currently the children are taking part in a daily mile, they have done brilliantly!  The aim of the daily mile is to develop the children's physical, social and emotional health and well being regardless of age or personal circumstances.

The children currently have PE on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon.  They have one lesson with the Activ Fit team and have been developing their basketball and dribbling skills.

We will soon be taking part in a Roman day at school in which children in class 4 will be invited to dress as Romans or Celts for the day and take part in exciting activities.  The date of this is still waiting to be confirmed, but as soon as it is, I will let you know.  


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.