
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 2

On Thursday last week we had mass for Corpus Christi. The children were well behaved and answered questions well. On the Friday they produced lovely art work and had some good thoughts about what or who God is to them. The work will be going up in school soon. 

Yesterday the children had a fire safety talk by the fire service. Ask them what to do in a fire and they should be able to tell you.

Please remember our parent afternoon tomorrow and bring in the things you need.

Week 1

A big welcome back to school. The children are all dressed to impress in their school uniforms and looking like they are ready to tackle the last six weeks of this school year. They all seem to have had a lovely holiday from what they have written in their literacy books this week. We have also been drawing insects as part of out topic and they are works in progress. 

Next week is our parent afternoon. I hope you are feeling creative as I have explained to the children that I would like them to design and make a mini beast. The designing they are doing for homework and then next Wednesday afternoon you can help them make it. The children will need to bring in any modelling materials such as boxes, bottles, newspaper, material they  would like to use. School will provide paint, glue, sellotape, art straws etc. Hopefully we will have a lovely afternoon. See you then.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.