
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

Week 6

Another very busy week in class !

We have done some amazing computing work learning about how the weather is forecast. We even made our own weather reports using previous data and statistics.

Week 5

This week we have enjoyed using natural materials as paint just like the cavemen would have!

Natural art

Week 2

This week class 4 have had a fantastic time and learnt lots about road safety. We were very grateful to Carlton Manufacturing in Goldthorpe who arranged for us to spend the morning with them. We enjoyed exploring the HGV and using our maths skills to work out how much cement could be carried!

Week 1

Welcome back class 4!

This week in RE we have been focusing on the Pentecost and considering what life would have been like for a follower of Jesus. We have had some very detailed conversations about our thoughts and feelings around Pentecost.


Literacy this week is all about a persuasive argument. We will be producing some persuasive travel leaflets including all the features we have learnt this week. Watch out you might even find yourself tempted to visit Brazil!


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in an ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.