
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

Week 5

This week we have had Sports Day. All the children participated really well and used their skills. Well done! Enjoy the photos!

Week 3

We are continuing to work on our art topic, asking the question "How does art show who we are and how we feel?"

This week we have been looking at how different parts of our face show how we are feeling, and we have also explored how different colours express emotion.

Today we have created our own Picasso-inspired portrait, where one side of the face is one emotion, and the other side is a different emotion. Can you guess what the faces are showing?

Week 2

This week Class 2 visited the Cooper Gallery in Barnsley. We had a wonderful time observing and sketching some of the paintings, and developing our skills in drawing portraits. 

Week 1

This week in Science we took part in a simple investigation. We manipulated a range of everyday materials to see if we could squash them, bend them, twist them and stretch them. This helped us to think carefully about how some materials can change shape and how others cannot.

Welcome back everyone! We hope you've had a lovely two week break and are now ready for our FINAL half term of this academic year... how time flies! 


We have some exciting diary dates coming up this half term:

Trip to JUMP - Wednesday 15th June

Visit to the Cooper Gallery - Friday 24th June

EIS Sports Day - Monday 27th June

Transition Activities in New Classes - Tues 28th - Thurs 30th June

Summer Fayre - Thursday 7th July

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.