
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Autumn Term 1

Week 4


It was assessment week for Year 6 this week and the whole class showed such a fantastic attitude, trying their hardest and giving it their best! As well as tests, we got up to other fun things such as investigating conductors and insulators in science by testing different materials within circuits. We also started looking at our next writing unit, which is centered around non-chronological reports. 


Most importantly, because we won attendance in Week 3, we got to have an extra break time this week and we had a great time! Class 1 were outside too, so we also got to spend some time with our buddies!


Week 3


This week, we dove deeper into our history topic of Ancient Egyptians by learning about three important settlements: Giza, Alexandria and Memphis. We researched and found out why those settlements were important and what those towns were like thousands of years ago.


In music, we made great progress on our first unit, which is all about Livin' On A Prayer by Bon Jovi! We're fairly confident singing most of the song now and just need to perfect some small sections!


Week 2


In PE this week, we've made great progress in both of our units: handball and fitness. During our maths lessons, we've been mastering rounding numbers and problem solving using negative numbers. Here are some photos from our science lesson this week, where we had our first go at using components to build simple circuits!

Week 1


We've had a brilliant start to Class 5! In Literacy, we've started our first writing unit which is all about persuasive adverts. To see how good our skills were, we tried to sell some rather boring objects - we had to be very persuasive to make them sound like a good buy! We also started our first history topic for the year, Ancient Egypt, as well as our first science topic, Electricity. 


Great start to the year, Class 5!


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.