
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Learning Resources

This week we will be continuing to use resources from Oak National Academy. These resources will provide daily literacy and numeracy lessons as well as a daily PE session and a foundation subject such as art or history. Each of the sessions includes a range of resources such as quizzes, teaching videos and worksheets to complete to support your learning. Follow the link below to access these resources and select the day that you need (we are on week 4) Y5 children are allowed to switch to the Y5 work if they are finding the Y6 work too challenging by selecting year groups in the top right hand corner.

I have found some excellent resources for teaching you all about coding using Minecraft which I have included below. Minecraft Education Edition continues to be free and can be accessed using a school login (which will be sent via text). Simply download Minecraft Education Edition from the link below and get started using the workbooks to guide through different projects. I have found some excellent resources for teaching you all about coding using Minecraft which I have included below. Minecraft Education Edition continues to be free and can be accessed using a school login (which will be sent via text). Simply download Minecraft Education Edition from the link below and get started using the workbooks to guide through different projects. The workbook will suggest using a specific world to do this in however I can't upload it to for you but you should be able to complete the activities in workbooks in a regular world.


It has been pointed out to me that the email address you were sent to log in with was wrong it should have been

The password was correct.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.