
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 2

Week 6

This week Class 2 were asked to present an assembly on Palm Sunday to begin our Holy Week celebrations. Class 2, were excited to do this and we spent the afternoon writing our own interpretation of the events of the Palm Sunday. 

We nominated Henry to be Jesus and worked together as a class to be all the other different people involved in the story.

Well done Class 2, you were amazing. Have a wonderful holiday, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you all very soon for some more exciting learning!



Week 5

A huge thank you to all the parents who shared our learning with us this afternoon, the children really enjoyed preparing our mini Jack and the Beanstalk musical.


This week have been thinking about positional language, left and right, whole, half, quarter and three quarter turns. The children enjoyed going on treasure hunts to find hidden jewels and avoiding sharks in the water!


In PE, the children have enjoyed creating dances to music using different animal movements and being 'animals in action'.

Week 4

Class 2 received a letter this week from Wentworth Garden Centre. They needed us to help them with a very important task of writing a booklet to give to the customers who are buying plants. We used our knowledge of plants to help to produce a leaflet all about plants to send to the Garden Centre.


On Thursday, we had a wonderful parents session. Before inviting our parents into school we decided that we would like to produce a garden habitat but to do this we needed lots of help! Thank you to all the parents who came into school to help us.

Week 3

Class 2 have enjoyed a busy week of plant work. We started reading the book, 'The Enchanted Wood', over the next week or 2 we hope to write our own stories about where our Magic Tree would take us!


In Science, we decided the best way to look at the parts of a flower and find out what they do is to take one apart. We worked with a partner to explore different primrose plants to find the roots, leaves, stem and flower. We were then able to describe in detail the roles of each one of these parts.

Week 2

What a very strange week we have had! Class 2 enjoyed, going a plant hunt around school to look for the different types of plants that are growing, we are began to think about different types of trees. We learnt the difference between deciduous and ever green trees and sorted different tree pictures. 


When the snow came Class 2 read a story called, The Snow Globe family, we imagined what it would be like to live in a snow globe and wrote a short poem about what we would feel, hear, smell, touch and do.


Week 1

Class 2 enjoyed starting our new topic this week, Scented Garden. To help us to understand the processes involved for growing plants we shared the story of 'Jim's Beanstalk' and created our own beanstalks in a bag using, bean seeds, cotton wool and water. Over the next few weeks, we will be watching our 'Beanstalks' grow before planting them into plant pots and taking them home.


One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.