
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 1

Week 4


We were fortunate to have some nice weather during our final week of this half term. We enjoyed outdoor learning. So much fun and learning in the sunshine!☀️


Week 3

This week we enjoyed Team Building Challenges. We had to pass water overhead and see how much was left at the end of the line.


We also enjoyed learning about Andy Goldsworthy's natural sculptures.

Team Challenge (Pass the Water)

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Week 2

This week Class 1 children made us feel very proud with their bravery and performance during Class1's Assembly. They stood in front of parents and family members and showed off the learning that has taken place since the beginning of the year. Well done Class 1!

Class 1 Assembly

Week 1

This week we launched our new Topic'The Enchanted Woodland '.We went on a walk in the woodland where we found discovered some "magical things".

We also visited Weston Park Museum and learnt more about weather patterns.

The Enchanted Woodland-Topic Launch

Class of the Week on Dearne FM (Audio Only)

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Dearne FM Class of the Week - ignore the class 3 mention at the start - it's definitely Class 1 (Audio Only)

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One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.