
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Summer 2

W/B: Monday 10th July 2023

Week 5

This Thursday, Class 2 have completed their Moving Monsters for our D&T project that has included, making linkages, designing, making and evaluating our Moving Monsters.


Everyone has worked so hard to make our monsters and should be proud of their D&T work. Well done Class 2!

W/B: Monday 3rd July 2023

Week 4

This Wednesday, Class 2  completed a local walk to develop our fieldwork skills for our Geography topic.


At 9am, we started our walk from school to the local ponds and park and created a sketch of a human feature in our locality. We then walked into the centre of Hoyland and completed a shop tally. After that we called at the local garden Martha's Yard before returning to school with our findings for lunch.


Well done Class 2 on being very sensible and showing great knowledge on our local walk!

W/B: Monday 26th June 2023

Week 3

On Friday 30th June 2023, Class 2 took part in our Federation of Corpus Christi Sports Day at the EIS. 


Everyone had a fantastic attitude to the variety of activities we took part in; these included cup stacking, taekwondo, street dancing, football, hockey and many more sports. 


Well done Class 2 on your beautiful behaviour, can-do attitudes and hard work at the EIS!

W/B: Monday 19th June 2023

Week 2

British Values - The Rule of Law

​​​​​​This Friday, St Helen's have had a British Values day and Class 2 have focused on the value; The rule of law. 


We discussed what a rule is and rules we have at home and school. Then, we discussed laws on the road and in our community. Moving on to group the consequences of breaking rules and laws.


Class 2 were very sensible approaching this topic and have showed excellent knowledge of rules and laws.


Well done on a great week Class 2!

W/B: Monday 12th June 2023

Week 1

PE: Net and Wall Games

This week, Class 2 have returned to school well-rested and ready to learn.

Well done to everyone on a fantastic week and to our Year 1s and some Year 2s that have completed their Phonics screening checks!


This Monday, we began our new topic in PE of Net and Wall Games, starting by focusing on our ball skills, passing to a partner and developing our aim. 

Well done Class 2 on a wonderful PE lesson!


What a great week back at school!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.