Week 7 (WC 11/04/22)
Week 6 (WC 04/04/22)
This week we have been to Magna to learn all about steel, we learnt about the uses of steel and how steel is made. We got to explore the history of steel and see how the Templeborough steelworks have changed over the years. We found out about forging, casting and the vital role steel plays in today’s world. At the end of the day we even had chance to visit the play park!
Week 5 (WC 28/03/22)
Week 4 (WC 14/03/22)
This week we have been learning all about the different parts of a flower and the role they play in producing seeds. We dissected these lilies to find the following parts of the flower.
Week 3 (WC 7/03/22)
In science this week we have set up an experiment to see what plants need to to grow well. We took three broad bean plants and placed one in the dark, one in the sun with no water and one in the sun with water. We predicted what we thought would happen and then observed the plants over the week.
Week 2 (WC 28/2/22)
This week we have been writing prayers for the people of Ukraine. We have planted sunflowers in class as these are the national flower of the Ukraine. Also we have been writing our Lenten promises so we can remember the sacrifice that Jesus made when he went into the desert to pray and fast for the 40 days before later dying on the cross.
Week 1 (WC 28/2/22)
Our fantastic outfits for 'World Book Day'.