
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Spring Term 1

Week 5

Class 2's Pirate Afternoon: Our First Experience of our New Topic 'Land Ahoy!'

Week 4

Shapes and their Properties

This week, we have started our new Maths topic of Shapes and their Properties. The children have been introduced to our topic in such a fun and practical way, Year 1's have been working on recognising the names and images of 2D shapes, playing a bingo game to check their knowledge.


Year 2's worked on identifying shapes and the amount of sides they have and since, have looked at their vertices and, have organised shapes on venn diagrams. Year 1s have also worked on recognising 3D shapes. 


We all have had the opportunity to use our class geoboards and the children have loved creating different 2D shapes and also identifying lines of symmetry on them!


What a excellent week we have had on our new topic, well done Class 2.

Week 3

Music: Boing!


This Week, Class 2 continued to focus on songs linked with our topic Bounce in our music sessions. 


We learnt a new song called 'Boing!' which is about hopping rabbits and the children worked hard to make their own actions to our song. 


Well Done Class 2!


Stay tuned for a video of our song...

Music in Class 2

Still image for this video

Week 2

Spanish: Months of the Year

This week, Class 2 learnt the Spanish vocabulary for months in the year.


The children worked in pairs on our vocabulary, they chose a month and drew pictures they associated that month with.


Class 2 came back together to share their understanding of the months in the year and their lovely pictures with the class!

Muy Bien Class 2!


Week 1

Welcome Back Class 2


This week, Class 2 have returned to school from their Christmas holiday refreshed, and ready to learn. They have worked very hard and have made myself and other staff in our classroom very proud with the work they have produced and the attitudes they have shown. 


What a fantastic start we have had!

In PE, we continued to look at our Bounce topic when we started our Gymnastics lessons by travelling in different ways, including bouncing, like different animals do.


Class 2 worked very well and had great fun whilst developing wonderful movements and balances.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.