Week 4
Our new Geography topic is 'Where do we live?'. In Class 1 this week we have been learning about maps. We have used Google Earth to find where we live. We have learnt some street names, house numbers and addresses. We have been building or drawing our own maps.
Week 3
This week in our science lesson have started to learn about Humans. We have been using our phonics skills to label parts of our body. We could either draw around a friend and add in labels or use sticky notes to label a friend! We had so much fun and lots of children put their writing skills into action.
Week 2
We have had a very busy first full week back in Class 1! This week in our Maths lessons our Foundation children have been learning their number line to 10 AND number bonds to 5! We have really enjoyed exploring different maths equipment to work with number and explore our number knowledge.
Our Year 1 children have been learning how to use a whole-part model to separate numbers into different parts. We have then used a whole-part model to explore number sentences.
Week 1
Welcome back and Happy New Year! We hope you have all had a wonderful Christmas break.
This week we have been settling Class 1 children back into their school routine. We have new provision in our classroom and the children have been enjoying exploring our new toys and playing together again.
Our story book this week has been 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff'.
In RE we learnt the story of Epiphany and talked about what gifts we might have given to Jesus.