Week 5:
In our art sessions this week we have been experimenting with colour and learning to use watercolour Inktense blocks to try and emulate the work of Geninne Zlatkis. Here are some of our works in progress.
Week 4:
In RE this week we have been creating art which represents the Apostles receiving the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Here are some examples of our finsihed pieces.
Week 3:
This week we have completed our current writing unit focusing on persuasive writing. We have created advertisements to entice people to visit our brand new theme parks. We used Microsoft Publisher to format this piece developing our ICT skills along the way.
Week 2:
This week we have looked at and discussed different pieces of work created by the artists we are studying in this term's topic (Stacey Moore & Geninne D Zlatkis). We discussed what elements we liked about their work, what feelings it created in us and what techniques were used to create these pieces.
Week 1:
Part of our work this week has been focused around finding out about the life and service of Prince Philip. We also created a short film for a class assembly to share this information with the rest of the school.