Week 7
W.B 17.10.22
This week in R.E, we were learning about Baptism. We finished the half term by celebrating our love for reading with our parents and carers. We are looking forward to a break and we will be ready to do some more learning and make memories together.
Week 6
W.B 10.10.22
This week we are learning to draw using shape templates.
In Maths we were learning number bonds using the Part-whole model. We also enjoyed our weekly reading morning with our parents and cares.
Week 5
W.B 3.10.22
This week in Maths, we have been learning about ordinal numbers. We held running and bike races.
In R.E, we made welcome signs for our cloakroom and discussed times when we have felt welcome or what we could do to make others feel welcome.We have also enjoyed learning about Autumn in our Science lesson.
Week 4
W.B 26.9.22
This week we were very lucky to have animals come into school.
We enjoyed stroking them and feeding them. We even got to stroke the pony’s mane.
Week 3
W.B 19.9.22
This week we have been learning to subitise. We enjoyed different activities and exploring with numbers .
Week 2
W.B 12.9.22
This week in Maths we were sorting objects. We were challenged to sort them in as many categories as we could think of. We were also learning about subitising (the ability to instantly recall the number of objects or images without needing to count them individually).
We finished the week by celebrating our love for books with parents and carers. We really enjoyed reading some of our favourite books with them and even had some older siblings come in to read to us. We look forward to doing this every Friday morning!
Week 1
W.B 1.9.22
This week we welcomed Reception children into the St Helen's family. We are proud of how well the children are settling in. We spent the week getting to know each other and also meeting the other people who help us in school. The year 1 children have been fantastic as well! They have been showing the new children around and modelling positive behaviour. We are looking forward to making wonderful memories together this academic year.