Class 4 Reminders
Homework will be set each Wednesday. There will be a piece of math's, writing and spellings to learn each week.
TTRS should be practiced daily at home, a minimum of 3 games of Soundcheck per day.
Spelling tests are on Tuesdays. Spellings will be sent home in spelling books each week and there will be practice games set online on Spelling Shed which your child will be given a password for.
P.E. is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in Autumn 1, Spring 1 and Summer 1.
PE is on a Wednesday and Thursday in Autumn 2, Spring 2 and Summer 2.
Don't forget your P.E. kit including a warm tracksuit and trainers/pumps - we will be outside as often as possible.
For reading we expect and hope that the children to do a minimum of 15-20 minutes reading each night. If you would like to carry out extra activities, here are some options you may wish to choose:
- discussing key characters and settings,
- making a list of unfamiliar words and their meanings,
- why a character made a specific decision or behaved a specific way,
- why a character made a specific choice,
- predictions of what could happen in the following chapters,
- discussing the book with your child and the events that occur.