
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Home Learning

WB 6.7.2020

This week we are starting our Blue badge. This is all about saying Thank You. You could create a Thank You rainbow, make a Thank You jar, bake some Thank You biscuits, write a letter to someone you miss to say Thank You for something or think of your own ways to say Thank You and to show someone how grateful you are for them heartheartheart

WB 29.6.2020

What a lot of fun we have had doing our Music badge! What have you all been up to? Please send in photos or videos so that we can add them to our class page.


July summer home learning themes.

Choose as many as you like and draw pictures, write about it, find out facts or sing a song!







Under the sea












WB 22.6.2020

This week is the Music badge. What could you do? well, you could design a festival banner, create a list of musical memories, make your own instrument, dress up as a rock star or hold a disco at home or school! I look forward to seeing some videos of your musical moments!

Addition & Subtraction. Solved.

From the innovators who bring you Times Tables Rock Stars, comes a highly engaging platform for learning to add and subtract… NumBots!

NumBots is all about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.

Suitable from Year 1 (UK) upwards. Younger players (FS2) will be able to access the early stages from a mathematical point of view but will find it increasingly harder to reach the level of fluency required to make progress within the Numbots levels.

Teo's Bug House! Well done Teo this is fabulous. Let us know what bugs come to stay!

Weronika's conkers! It looks like you have been having lots of fun in your garden well done!

WB 22.6.2020

Our second week of the "6 badges of summer" is the sports badge. To apply for this you need to challenge yourself to try a new physical activity. We are doing yoga every day as part of our challenge using the Cosmic Kids Yoga videos (see link below). What could you do? Maybe a skipping challenge? A running challenge? Keeping ourselves fit and healthy is so important now more than ever before. We need to keep our bodies and our minds healthy. Exercise and relaxation are both good for us and yoga can help with this.


There is an ever growing importance being placed on getting children to enjoy the outside world more. With the rise of forest schooling taking place within the classroom, its impact on a child’s wellbeing is proving to be highly beneficial. Plan more activities such as picnics, treasure hunts or art games which can be played outdoors as an easy way to encourage outdoor exploration and breathing in the fresh air.


Keep sending in photos and videos please!

WB 15.6.2020

In addition to the home learning packs below I would like to let you know about a really exciting opportunity. Blue Peter (CBBC) are doing "Badges of summer"  challenge where every child gets the chance to earn up to 6 Blue Peter badges!!! This week in school we are concentrating on the green badge. We are thinking about how we can help to save the planet. We are going to be making bird feeders, bug hotels, planting seeds and much more. Please join in with this challenge and send in photos or videos as you complete a challenge. See the link below. Have fun :-)

In school we have been learning a poem to perform. It is called "Our Special Learning Bubble". See if you can learn it too.

Summer Term- second half WB 8.6.20

For our last 6 weeks I would like you to have a go at working through some of the activities from the mastery resources or "Classroom secrets" resources below. There are photocopiable resources included in the packs or you can improvise using things you have at home. This covers maths and literacy.

You can also click on the link below for "Discovery Diaries".  Discovery Diaries use the arts as a way to engage primary school students in STEM. Themed around real-life science projects, they inspire learners by profiling diverse experts who work across the STEM sector.

Curriculum-aligned and fully supported by teaching resources, Discovery Diary programmes can be downloaded from this website for free.


Use the ~Pick and mix~ section for lots of fun things to do.


Don't forget to send in some of the things that you have done so that I can pop them on here to share with Class 1.

Week beginning 18.5.2020



Let's have fun with poetry this week. Here is a clip to a fantastic example of some performance poetry. "Chocolate Cake" by Michael Rosen is one of Class 1's favourite funny poems. See if you can learn and perform it to your family. Please don't forget to send in videos if you can! 


Have you done any baking? How about trying this recipe for making your very own chocolate cake? Make sure that you measure the ingredients carefully and read out the numbers from the instructions. You could make your own recipe book and write down how you made it. I would love to read your instructions.



Easy Chocolate Cake Recipe
  • 1 cup self-raising flour
  • 1 cup caster sugar
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 125g butter, melted
  • ½ cup milk
  1. Preheat oven to 180°C.
  2. Line a 20cm round cake tin with baking paper.
  3. In a medium sized bowl, add all ingredients.
  4. Use an electric mixer and mix for about 2-3 minutes or until mixture is smooth and well combined.
  5. Pour cake mixture into tin.
  6. Bake for approximately 45 minutes.
  7. When you remove the cake from oven, let it cool in the pan for about five minutes or so.
  8. Turn the cake out on to a cooling rack.
  9. Make sure it is completely cool before you ice it. We just dusted it lightly with icing sugar.


Write your own rainbow poem. Print off the template if you can or use it to write your own and add a rainbow using coloured pens, pencils or paints!

Week Beginning 12.05.2020



This week I want you to have some fun with numbers! Numbers are all around us - they're inside outside and outside. Some numbers are large and some are small! You'll find them in the kitchen, in cupboards, in your bedroom, outside in the street, on the television, they're even on your clothes (have a look to see if you can see any really small numbers on the label inside your clothes!).


* Get ready, open your eyes wide and go on a number hunt! You could start upstairs and then move downstairs and why not even go out into the garden to see if you can find any numbers outside! Write down some of the numbers that you find. Remember to look really carefully as sometimes numbers are not easy to find if they are written really small.


* Listen to and learn some number counting rhymes and songs. Can you teach someone else in your house one of the songs? Click the link below to find some songs. 


* Find out how old everyone is who lives in your house? Remember that you can also include any pets that you have. Who is the oldest? Who is the youngest? Draw a picture of everyone and write down how old they are underneath. Start with the youngest person. 



* Use playdough to make creatures with different numbers of legs. Can you make a creature with 0 legs? Can you make a creature with 10 legs? 



* Can you make your own dice? Have you got some dice at home? Roll 2 dice - what numbers did you get? Count the spots altogether and write down your total number. Roll the dice again - did you get the same number or a different number? Was it less or more? 


* Play a game where you have to roll dice and count the spots. Can you play snakes and ladders? If you land on a ladder you can go up it. Try not to land on the snakes! 

Week Beginning 04.05.2020


VE Day is 'Victory in Europe Day' and marks the day towards the end of World War 2 when fighting against Germany stopped. In 2020, it is 75 years since the fighting stopped. 


Winston Churchill was the Prime Minister in 1945. On 8th May 1945, Winston Churchill made an announcement on the radio at 3pm that the war had ended. People were extremely happy that the fighting had stopped and there were big celebrations and street parties. 



Lots of people wore red, white and blue. Many people went to Buckingham Palace in London. The people cheered when the King, King George VI and his family came out onto the balcony to say hello to everybody. (King George was Queen Elizabeth's Dad.) 





This week we'd like you to celebrate VE Day with your family at home. 


* Make some bunting and hang it up in your window at home for everyone to see. 

Click the link below to watch the video to show you how to make bunting. You could make some pieces of your bunting red, white and blue in colour.


* If you were going to a VE celebration street party, what would you wear? Draw or paint a picture of you dressed up for the party. 


* Make a union jack flag to wave. 


* Use playdough to make some party food that you would serve if you had your own party - don't forget to make a vake! 


* Design a poster reminding everyone to be kind to each other. 


* Make a card for someone in your family to tell them why they are special and why you love them. 


* People danced in the streets on VE day. They danced the Lindy Hop. Watch the video below that shoes you how to dance the Lindy hop. Have a go at dancing at home!


* Design and make a medal that could be given to a soldier. 



* Make a VE Day badge to wear. 


* If you were going to meet a soldier who fought in World War 2, what questions would you ask the soldier? Write a list of the questions. 


* Can you make the number 75 using objects? Eg. you could arrange stones into the shape of the digits 7 and 5. 


Don't forget to email us photos of your bunting and VE Day work, and also any photos of you celebrating VE Day with your family to



Week Beginning 27.04.2020


This week I thought that we could enjoy one of my favourite books - 'Peace at Last' by Jill Murphy. 



Click on the link below to listen to the story:


* Animals that come out at night are nocturnal. What nocturnal animals do you know? Can you create a night picture and include some nocturnal animals? Can you make a nocturnal animal out of playdough or other creative resources? 

* Mrs Bear has a good nights sleep. What do you think Mrs Bear might be dreaming about while she's asleep? You could draw a picture of Mrs Bear in her bed and add a thought bubble to show what she's dreaming about. 

* Look carefully at the picture in the book. Can you see the clock? What time does it say on the clock? Make a clock and learn how to tell the time - start with o'clock and half past each hour first. 

* Mr Bear wears slippers in the story. Can you design and make a new pair of slippers for Mr Bear? 

* Write a list of all of the sounds that Mr Bear hears in the night. 

* Can you make a bear? You could make the bear family - Mr Bear, Mrs Bear and Baby Bear in different sizes.  


* Can you make a bed for one of your bears at home? You could use a cardboard box. Don't forget to make a pillow and a blanket or quilt so that your bear is nice and warm. 


Don't forget to ask your mum or dad to send us a photo of anything that you've done at home to 

We love to see what you've been up to! 


Let's have fun while we're at home!

Story Time from Space is a project of the Global Space Education Foundation, a non-profit education foundation.

They send children’s books to the International Space Station.


While in space, astronauts are videotaping themselves reading these books to the children of Earth. These videos are being edited and placed on this Story Time From Space website- look under the heading ” Story Time Videos”.


This video features the story of Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty

Inspired by real-life makers Ada Lovelace and Marie Curie, this bestseller champions STEM, girl power and women scientists. 


Here are some links to the superb “Talk for writing” home learning packs. Have a look at both of the packs “Reception” and “Year 1”. There are lots of fantastic activities to keep you happy and busy😃😃😃

Hello again Class 1!
 I have added some links to some great maths videos of number games and activities which I am sure you will love. There is also a link for some 10-minute-shake up activities which are Disney themed!!! The activity pack includes endless ideas for things to do at home.

I look forward to seeing and hearing about some of the activities you choose to do.

Lots of hugs

Mrs Reynolds xxx

A rhyming activity

Home learning Early Years activities.

Hi Class 1

I hope that you are all safe and happy at home and having lots of fun with your family. I am missing you all lots and lots and I am thinking about you all every day. Keep reading and enjoying lots of books. I will keep putting suggested activities, links and songs on our class page to keep you busy!

Love and hugs from

Mrs Reynolds xxx

A Poem for you x

Printable and practical activities

Number Fun

This is a link to our Number Fun portal where you will find lots of fabulous songs to help with your child's mathematical understanding. Sign up for a month's free access to all of the songs. Some of our favourites are:



Farmer Pete

On the bus

Sticky Toffees

Mr Noah

Dancing in the sun



Go Noodle!

Have fun finding some of the songs and dances that we already know in Class 1 and maybe find some new ones :)

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.