
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Summer Term 1

Week 7

We have had a busy week this week as year two's have been completing their SATs while year ones have continued with their usual lessons. It has also been science week. We have been learning about sea creatures: their habitat, diet (including whether they are herbivore, carnivore or ominvore), their young along with other interesting facts. From this we all wrote an information text.  We carried out scientific experiments, making predictions related to floating and sinking. We even used our scientific knowledge to design a boat that floats. This was lots of fun and we all worked well in groups to achieve our goal. We were all really proud as all our boats floated! 

Week 6

We went back in time using a 'magic compass' and we landed on Captain Cook's Ship. Here we had a fantastic adventure using our historical knowledge and imaginations. On our return we planned and wrote amazing adventure stories. We used different painting techniques to create a background and then painted our very own pirate parrots which are displayed in our classroom. 

Week 5

This week we have been learning about Captain Cook and his ship the Endeavour. We learnt about the different parts of the ship and what they were for, labelling a diagram and created an information text all about Cook's life.  Where he was from, when he was born, places he visited and when and how he died. We also used different sketching techniques to draw a gallon ship. 

Week 4

This week Class 2 started their new topic, Land Ahoy. We received a wanted poster from Captain Jack Sparrow who is wanting some new pirate recruits. We thought about why we would make very good pirates and researched the different jobs that pirates had on the ships. We then wrote back to Captain Jack offering our services, we excitedly await his reply!

Week 2

This week Class 2 were asked to be inspiring authors for the next chapter in Enid Blyton's 'latest' novel of The Faraway Tree. Enid Blyton wants to add a new chapter using a Fairy door that has been spotted at the bottom of the tree. To help Class 2 with this task, we designed our own fairy door before copying the design on to a piece of wood. Using this fairy door Class 2 then imagined (using fairy dust!) we could fit through the door into a magical new land, the land of imagination. I look forward to reading the amazing new chapters over the weekend!

Week 1

Mrs Green needed Class 2's help this week. The new lunchtime menu meant she had to do a lot of extra weighing of ingredients and she didn't have time. Class 2 set to work, we collected, weighed and recorded the ingredients Mrs Green needed to prepare the food. We looked carefully at the different types of scales we had and how we needed to read them accurately. Once we had weighed the different amounts we recorded them on scales so Mrs Green could prepare the food much quicker next time. Well done Class 2.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.