Week beginning 24th May
This week we have enjoyed the core story of "The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister. This is a story about a beautiful fish with shimmering scales but he is a sad and lonely fish. The Rainbow Fish learns to make friends by sharing his most prized possessions. After listening to the story we thought carefully about how we can be a good friend in school. In our collective worship we learnt about Jesus and his disciples. It has been great see children playing with different friends and in different areas of Nursery and outside.
In our PE session this week we had lots of fun developing our ball skills. We explored different ways of moving the ball. We were able to throw and catch thew ball, roll it along the floor and we even had a go at dribbling it carefully. It was lots of fun!
Week beginning 17th May
We have continued to be inspired by the work of Andy Goldsworthy and in provision we have chosen to create our own natural patterns. You could try this at home with objects you find in the garden.
This week we were very excited when our new water equipment arrived. We now have a new water area outside and have loved exploring how we can transport the water around. We have used the large hose pipes, funnels and guttering to watch the water travel down into the water trays. We have used our giant tea pots to have a tea party and had fun splashing around.
Week beginning 10th May
This week is National Mental Health Awareness week. In Nursery we have taken time out of our busy morning to learn new ways to relax and calm down. We have practised meditation and enjoyed doing some cosmic kids yoga. What do you do to help you to relax?
This week we have introduced Helicopter stories into our timetable. This is when’s we use our imagination to begin to create our own verbal stories. The storyteller creates the story first before the rest of us help to create the story by acting it out. We have had lots of fun. You could help us at home by telling us simple short stories.
In art this week we continued to be inspired by Andy Goldsworthy. We practised weaving with natural materials, such as leaves, outside and then we created some amazing we in good patterns with material.
Week beginning 3rd May
This week we have continued to think about the story Monkey puzzle where we meet lot share of Mums and their babies. We had a selection of mums and babies and had to match them together. We tried to learn the names for some familiar baby animals.
We happily welcomed another new friend to Nursery this week so we have been reinforcing our expectations and making sure we all get along and share all the different provision.
Week beginning 26.04.21
This week we enjoyed the story Monkey Puzzle by Julia Donaldson. Afterwards we talked about animal mummies and their babies. We named babies and thought about the similarities and differences. We went onto the internet to find a video of Julia Donaldson singing Monkey Puzzle using marathon signs. We are really good at it now. Why not follow the link and I can sing it for you.
Week beginning 10.04.21
This week we have enjoyed the classic story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. We have listened to the story and created our own caterpillar and butterfly paintings. We used sequencing cards to retell the order and in maths we counted the different foods the caterpillar ate. We even made fruit caterpillar kebabs which were delicious!
As we welcome some new children to Nursery we have been working hard to remember to share our things and invite others to join us in our play. We have had lots of fun together.
Week beginning 12.04.21
Welcome back everyone. It is great to be back in school and have the sun shining on us. 5is term we embark on our new topic “Nature is Art” which is inspired by the artist Andy Goldsworthy who creates masterpieces using natural materials and the environment. This week we started to look at some natural pieces of art and identify how they made us feel. We talked about what we liked about the different pieces before creating our own land art.
We were all very excited to welcome back Mr Johnson for our outdoor PE session. We had lots of fun exploring the space and using different equipment to practise our throwing and catching skills. We worked so well we were able to move on to working with a partner.