
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 1


We started 2024 by getting stuck into our new history topic which is all about the Ancient Greeks! To immerse ourselves further in this world, we began reading 'The Adventures of Odysseus'. 


Our maths learning on fractions continued and we've become masters on multiplying and dividing with fractions.


Within science, we began looking at our new unit all about plants and animals. We will be focusing on the classification system, but we began by recapping some animal groups that we already knew. After that, we learnt about some new ones such as annelids, myriapods and molluscs (which is the group that Gary our class pet belongs to!).


Week 2


We've continued our learning linked to animals and their classification. Our writing is linked to this too! We've watched some incredible clips from BBC nature documentaries and are writing diary entries as one of the animals.


Our art unit is all about still life this half term. We started by learning some techniques to help us sketch objects, focusing on the shapes of objects and sizing. We then gradually added more detail to each object. Have a look at some of our sketches! 

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.