
St Helen's Catholic Primary School

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St Helen’s Catholic Primary School

Hoyland Support In School

Getting used to a new school environment, rules and routines, and making new friends can be quite exhausting for children, just as starting a new career can be stressful for adults. It can seem daunting to children when they are only four or five, as they have a lot to take in very quickly. That’s why support in schools is important at the start of their journey.


St Helen’s Catholic Primary School in Hoyland provides support in school for your child


From the very beginning, staff members in class provide excellent support for children - they are available each day if pupils need to share concerns or to have them passed along. If you need to talk to your child's teacher and you are unable to do so in person, then you can always contact the school office. Whenever there is something we are concerned about, we look to approach you to discuss it as soon as possible, rather than waiting until parents' evenings.


The school website often provides pictures showing what your children have been doing and class 1 has a page that is updated weekly. Using this page is an excellent way for you to communicate with your child about their activities during their day. Instead of asking them to recall everything they did, as an example, perhaps you could mention that you have noticed that they have been looking at numbers outside recently, and ask if they are able to recall which numbers these are? Or maybe, which story they listened to or which song etc.


Class 1 children are taken to lunch earlier than other classes to reduce any overwhelm and accompanied by members of the class faculty. As a result, they are eating better and in the case of packed lunches, anything left over will be brought home rather than thrown out.


Since the first few weeks at school can be quite exhausting for children, they tend to be generally tired and grumpy in the first few weeks. It is recommended that you try not to ask too much of them at home and help them to unwind and relax. Downtime is incredibly important for them to process the day and to give them opportunity to rest before the following school day.


The importance of good sleep also shouldn't be underestimated. Therefore, ensure that family bedtimes are early and spend as little time watching screens as possible. Sleep disruption and increased screen time have been linked in a review by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). They make the recommendation that “... screens are avoided for an hour before the planned bedtime.”


Morning routines, like eating a healthy breakfast and leaving on time, all ensure that everyone gets off to a good start and avoids unnecessary rushing which can lead to stress.

What other support in school do we provide?


Here we can offer some advice on supporting your child in school. We also have tips on working with the support in school and other services if your child needs any additional help.


At school, children will learn, experience new things, gain a sense of accomplishment and increased self-esteem, and build relationships with trustworthy adults. One of the ways they can access this growth is through our Breakfast Club and other services for support in school.


Breakfast Club


It is important to begin the school day with a positive mindset by providing a good breakfast and a stress-free morning for your children. The brain is woken up, concentration is improved, irritability is reduced, and a child has a consistent routine for the day. 


Our environment makes it easier for pupils who may struggle to eat in new/different environments to feel supported by their peers, as well as our staff.


In addition to helping children who suffer from socially induced anxiety and building their confidence, breakfast clubs can also be beneficial to children who are wary of meeting new people.


Having a breakfast club at St Helen's gives children the chance to work with teachers who gently guide and assist them in making their own, independent decisions. After just a short period with us, we often see dramatic changes in their confidence.


Children's general school and life progression is heavily dependent on their ability to develop independence. Children are able to get started in a social setting through our breakfast club, which allows them to be able to access activities independently and make their own choices.


With the positive support of nurturing staff, children who have the opportunity to make decisions for themselves can show improvement in general behavioural patterns in and out of school.

It would be our pleasure to hear from you if you feel that any of these points might be able to benefit you or your child in any way. This runs every school day from 8 am, includes cereal and is only £2 to join. Make sure to book before 3pm the day before on our app, or contact us!

In-school counselling


Many children experience emotional health difficulties, and at St Helen’s we believe that mental health support in school and overall knowledge is vital to developing well-rounded and happy adults.


School-based counselling is provided by qualified practitioners who are on hand to support students in their development. Children can talk to counsellors about any problems in a confidential environment.


It is crucial that young people and children are given the opportunity to discuss and address their concerns and worries in a school setting. Education staff members are included in school counselling strategies in order to support students in overcoming challenges or concerns.


At St Helen's, we invite counsellors from Caritas who work in school at different periods of the year so the children can access help and support as soon as possible. Counselling is always done after a consultation with parents and usually lasts 6 weeks. They work with a wide range of therapeutic approaches, with a person-centred process in mind.


Support in school for children with additional needs and disabilities


We have a SENDCo at St Helen’s to provide any additional support to the children who need it most. Mrs Blakemore works in St Helen’s, and across our federation, supporting children with special needs and disabilities. If you are concerned about your child’s development or progress, or feel that you may need some support, please contact us for guidance as to next steps and what we can do. Working together as a parent-school team, we look to provide the best for your child.


If your child needs support in school - St Helen’s Catholic Primary School in Hoyland is here to help!


As a Catholic school it’s in our ethos to care for each and every child as a special gift from God. From keeping an eye on children in the playground, to being adults you can trust – we are always there and know children learn best when they are happy and feel safe.


For more information about school places, check our admissions page, or contact us today to book your visit!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.