Over the coming weeks free educational links and resources will be posted on this website to support your child's learning.
To access these slides you will need to activate a free premium twinkl membership following the link below:
The activation/offer code is UKTWINKLHELPS
Each child will come home with a book to be used for their work. Inside the book will be passwords for Purple Mash which can be used for computing as well as other online educational activities. It will also contain their log in details for both timestable rockstars and its sister app Numbots which we can also access
Class 3 Home Learning
Maths and Literacy
Classroom Secrets Week 10 home learning packs. There is a lesson for maths and literacy for every day of the week. Answer packs are also included. If you find your year group too hard then try the year group below.
Click on the link below to take you to this weeks learning. Choose your year group and day, watch the video and complete the activites.
National Oak Academy and BBCbitesize
Both of these learning platforms have daily lessons in maths, English and weekly lessons in all other primary curriculum subjects. There are slides, videos and worksheets to support your learning plus there are teachers who introduce and teach the sessions.
You can also use
Purple Mash for spellings https://www.purplemash.com/sch/sthelenss
TTR to support times tables
Top Marks
To support mental maths and arithmatic
Reading with the booktrust
PE Daily Activities
Active Fusion - https://www.activefusion.org.uk/
Joe Wicks’ lessons on YouTube
Cosmic Yoga https://www.youtube.com/user/CosmicKidsYoga
Week 14 Home Learning 29/06/2020
Maths and Literacy
We are also using Classroom Secrets home learning packs. There is a lesson for maths and literacy for every day of the week. Answer packs are also included. If you find your year group too hard then try the year group below.
Click on the link below to take you to this weeks learning. Choose your year group and day, watch the video and complete the activites.
Week 13 Home Learning 22/6/2020
Year 3
Every Tuesday and Thursday Rob Biddulph, award-winning children's book author and illustrator, posts a draw-along video.
Listen to David Walliams read 'Awful Auntie'
Sunday 6th June
Hello Class 3,
I hope you are all well and have enjoyed the half term holiday. Thank goodness the sun was shining for some of it! Although it has been raining for the last few days, as a keen gardener I am quite relieved, my garden looked very dry and many plants really needed some rain water. This year I have been trying to grow potatoes in pots, I am looking forward to harvesting them.
This week Hennie had to go to the vets for a little operation. As she is older it is taking her a little more time to recover so everyone in the family is taking turns to look after her. She is getting a little stronger every day and I think she is enjoying being spoilt.
I have put a weekly schedule for year 3 and 4 on the website and some extra activities if you want to do more work. Try and have a little go at some of the activities if you can.
This week I am in school looking after key worker children. I do miss you all and look forward to when we can get back to school and be together.
Take care and stay safe,
Miss Read
Sunday 17th May 2020
Hello Class 3
I hope you are all well and still being good children for your grownups.
I know how much you will all be missing things at the moment, family, going out, school, your friends, learning and hopefully teachers! Believe me, all the adults feel the same way. I miss you all very much and I look forward to seeing you again soon.
I also miss going shopping to Meadowhall with Millie and going to the cinema with Joe and William. But most of all, I miss being able to give my Mum and Dad a hug.
Try not to worry and remember that there are lots and lots of people out there trying to find a cure to this little monster. We have got to be really strong and try and get through this the best way that we can. I like to go out in my garden and grow things, it gives me hope when I see things growing. I also love to listen to the birds singing as they make me feel happy. Find something that you like doing and that you know will make you happy.
I do hope you are all trying your best to do some of the activities from Oak Academy or BBC Bitesize, both sites have daily lessons to follow.
I am in school this week and I am going to try and contact you all by telephone so we can catch up a little.
Speak to you all very soon and take care,
Miss Read
Week 10 Home Learning 18/5/20
Sir Michael Morpurgo reads A Song of Gladness https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z7f7xyc
Active Fusion https://www.activefusion.org.uk/
Joe Wicks’ daily lessons on YouTube
Oak National Academy
Select your year group, either Year 3 or 4 and complete the English lessons for the week
Year 3 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-3#schedule
Year 4 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-4#schedule
Select your year group, either Year 3 or 4 and complete the Maths lessons for the week
Year 3 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-3#schedule
Year 4 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-4#schedule
How a plant transports water
Saying how you feel in Spanish
https://www.thenational.academy/year-3/foundation/saying-how- you-feel-in-spanish-year-3-wk5-2
Using Texture
Week 9 Home Learning 10/5/20
Active Fusion lesson follow this link https://www.activefusion.org.uk/
Joe Wicks' daily lessons
Oak National Academy
Select your year group either Year 3 or 4 and complete the English lessons for the week.
Year 3 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-3#schedule
Year 4 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-4#schedule
Select your year group either Year 3 or 4 and complete the maths lessons for the week.
Year 3 - angles https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-3#schedule
Year 4 – measures https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-4#schedule
How to say the date in Spanish
Texture treasure hunt
Extra support https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zy66fg8
Sunday 3rd May
Hello children,
I have been missing you very much over the last few weeks, the school is very empty without your happy voices. I know these have been difficult times for you all and I imagine you are missing your friends at school and also the learning that we do together.
We have all been so very fortunate to have such lovely weather which has helped to keep everyone positive. The sky is so blue and the birds are singing louder than they normally do. My teddy is in the window holding a rainbow above his head, whenever I look at him I think of you all and wonder what your teddies and rainbows look like.
I try to occupy my time with school work, baking, walking my dogs, gardening, reading and I do like to boss everyone around in the house!
Try and learn as best as you can and be good boys and girls for your parents and carers, I hope we will be able to see each other soon, when it is safe to do so.
Sending my best wishes to you and your families,
Miss Read
Week 8 Home Learning W/C 4/5/20
For Active Fusion lessons follow the link https://www.activefusion.org.uk/
Also Joe Wicks daily lessons are live on YouTube.
Oak National Academy
Select your year group either year 3 or year 4 and complete the English lessons for the week.
Year 3 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-3#schedule
Year 4 https://www.thenational.academy/online-classroom/year-4#schedule
Daily lessons in Maths can be found at www.bbc.co.uk
Year 3
Year 4
In school last week we had a go at drawing some of these amazing cartoons, see if you can have a go at Sonic the Hedgehog!
VE Day
A short film clip all about VE Day
Week 7 Home Learning 27/4/20
Active Fusion delivers our PE in school and they now have online PE lessons with Mr Johnson. Parents / carers just need to sign up to access these resources, follow the link below. You can still carry on with Joe Wicks’ lessons as well.
Oak National Academy
Online lessons are also now available through the links below
Year 3 English
Setting description - Reading comprehension and fact retrieval.
Follow this link and complete the English lessons for this week.
If you want to complete any extra activities then please feel free.
Year 4 English
Reading comprehension - word meaning
Follow this link and complete the English lessons for this week.
If you want to complete any extra activities then please feel free.
To beat box
The BBC has today launched an education package across TV and online, featuring celebrities and teachers, helping to keep children learning at home and supporting parents.
BBC Bitesize can be accessed here:
Click your year group and complete the daily maths lessons
Monday 27th year 3 will be adding 3 digit numbers https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z72dwty
Monday 27th year 4 will be adding two 3 - 4 digit numbers
Lessons will be added every day for your year group to follow for maths
Year 3 maths lessons https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zmyxxyc/year-3-and-p4-lessons/1
Year 4 maths lessons https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/z63tt39/year-4-and-p5-lessons/1
Mountains topic
The Alps
Complete the ‘Test your knowledge of the Alps’ afterwards.
Contours, keys and symbols
Complete the 'Test your knowledge of map symbols and contours' afterwards.
Dear Class 3
I hope you have all had a lovely Easter and that you are all being really good for your parents and carers. So far, I have been busy walking my dog and thinking a lot about how much I miss school. I miss you all so very much and I am looking forward to the time when we can all be back learning together. I have been into school and Class 3 looks very sad without all of you there. I have been looking at the St Helen’s Facebook page and I love the messages and pictures you have all been sending in. Yes, we will meet again very soon! Keep doing little bits from the home learning page and remember that this time will pass, and we look back and feel grateful for all that we have.
From Miss Read
Miss Garratt has some free activation codes for these games, which I am sure you will all enjoy!
All over the world, millions of people are confined to their homes looking for ways to amuse themselves, so we decided to try to help a little. Many of you will already be familiar with our English Garden and Curio Collection, both of which you would normally have to pay to play. But as of today, you can have both of them totally free of charge! Click below to activate yours now:
Activate English Garden – activation code GJDQB-ZTYJ-BZZJ
Activate Curio Collection – activation code UBBYJ-QTDK-BZZX
Week 6 Home Learning W/C 20/4/20
Learning Project, see below- to be completed throughout the week is all about animals, to support this project look at the link below to the virtual Chester Zoo.
Scroll down to catch up on the fun
My favourite all time animal is the aye aye have a look at this deadly 60 video clip
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record.
Also there are some lovely books to read along to from the Booktrust.
For each lesson open the PowerPoint and complete the worksheet(s).
Year 3's Properties of Shape
Lesson 1 Properties of Shapes Lesson Pack Shapes (1)
Lesson 2 Properties of Shapes Lesson Pack Shapes (2)
Maths Year 4's Properties of Shape
Lesson 1 Properties of Shapes Lesson Pack Geometric Shapes (1)
Lesson 2 Properties of Shapes Lesson Pack Geometric Shapes (2)
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables, remember to complete the sound check.
Please update your journal / diary entry and write down the things you have done while you have been away from school.
Support with Haiku poetry
Week 5 Home Learning W/C 13/4/20
Learning Project - to be completed throughout the week is all about different viewpoints see week 3 learning project.
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record.
The Story of Easter' KS2 Guided Reading Questions PowerPoint
For each lesson open the PowerPoint and complete the worksheet(s).
Year 3's Fractions
Lesson 1 Compare and Order Fractions (1)
Lesson 2 Compare and Order Fractions (2)
Maths Year 4's Fractions
Lesson 1 Add and Subtract Fractions (2)
Lesson 2 Adding Fractions
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables, remember to complete the sound check.
Please update your journal / diary entry and write down the things you have done while you have been away from school.
In topic this week we would have been looking at the artist Mariah Reading. Her work is based on landscapes and items like rubbish which she finds along the way such as water bottles, trainers and cans. In class we would have tried to recreate one of her paintings, perhaps you could have a go at this at home. This would link with the environmental issues of pollution of mountains.
Week 4 Home Learning W/C 5.04.20
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record.
Microplastics on Snowdon Daily News Resource Pack
Read and answer questions.
For each lesson open the PowerPoint and complete the worksheet(s).
Year 3's Fractions
Lesson 1 Recognise and Show Equivalent Fractions (1)
Lesson 2 Recognise and Show Equivalent Fractions (2)
Lesson 3 Add and Subtract Fractions (1)
Lesson 4 Add and Subtract Fractions (2)
Maths Year 4's Fractions
Lesson 1 Compare Decimals
Lesson 2 Measure and Money Problem Solving (1)
Lesson 3 Measure and Money Problem Solving (2)
Lesson 4 Measure and Money Problem Solving (3)
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables, remember to complete the sound check.
Please update your journal / diary entry and write down the things you have done while you have been away from school, you could include the Queen's message or any other relevant news.
This week in topic see if you can find out about the different animals that live on mountains.
Mountain habitats
Mountains are made up of mostly rock, there isn’t much soil for growing things and the trees and plants that do grow there are able to thrive in the rocky conditions. Living on mountains can be very challenging for both animals and people. Animals that live on mountains are used to the cold temperatures and the different types of plants that grow there.
Some useful links to help with your research:
Week 3 Home Learning W/C 30.03.20
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record.
The Man Who Bought a Mountain eBook
See powerpoint at the bottom for support
For each lesson open the PowerPoint. and complete the worksheets.
Maths Year 3's Fractions
Lesson 1 Fractions of a Set of Objects
Lesson 2 Recognise and Use Fractions of a Quantity
Lesson 3 Recognise and Use Fractions as Numbers
Maths Year 4's Fractions
Lesson 1 Halves and Quarters
Lesson 2 Fractions Divide by 10 and 100 (1)
Lesson 3 Round Decimals
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables. Also complete the sound check.
Please update your journal / diary entry and write down the things you have done while you have been away from school.
Pick another thing to do from the link below
Week 2 Home Learning W/C 23.03.20
For each lesson open the PowerPoint. Next open the resource folder where you will find worksheets related to each lesson.
Maths Year 3's Fractions
Counting in Tenths
Maths Year 4's Fractions
Decimal Equivalents for Tenths and Hundredths
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables. Also complete the sound check.
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record.
Please update your journal / diary entry and write down the things you have done while you have been away from school.
Pick another thing to do from the link below
Week 1 Home Learning W/C 16.03.20
Please spend 20 minutes every day learning your times tables. Also complete the sound check.
This week in class we are looking at Area. For each lesson open the PowerPoint. Next open the resource folder where you will find worksheets related to each lesson.
Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Extra activity
Log onto purple mash, go to maths, scroll down to topics and click on measure, complete area of shapes age 7-9
Spelling support
This week our spellings are using the prefix ‘inter’
Aim to read 20 minutes each day; don’t forget to sign your reading record.
If you fancy an extra challenge then there is a reading comprehension all about mountains.
Please keep a journal / diary entry and write down the things you have done while you have been away from school. Describe your feelings and thoughts.
Pick one thing to do from the link below