
St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

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St Michael And All Angels Catholic Primary School

Summer 1

I have had a fantastic year working with Class 4 and I will miss them!

Good luck Class 4 as you progress into Year 5 and Year 6. Keep working hard and trying your very best. 

Mrs Donovansmileyheart

Week 5- What an exciting week! Class 4 had an amazing trip at Yorkshire Water. We hope you enjoy looking through all our fantastic photographs of the day.

Week 4: Class 4 have turned themselves into composers this week. We looked at different ways to write music down and had a go a composing our own music to the famous children's story 'Peace At Last' by Jill Murphy. We used a range of instruments and rhythms to create the sound effects. We are still working on our mystery shoe box creations - all will be revealed soon!

Week 3 - Another lovely week in Class 4! We have been acting out some drama in RE. Our dramas have been about having the courage to do the right thing. Not easy sometimes! We are also going to transform our shoe boxes this week........what will they become?

Week 2 : What a busy week in Class 4! We have been learning how to use perspective in our Art work and have produced some lovely river art work. We have also been working as a class team to take part in some shared writing about our trip to the River Nile. We were also very proud to receive the tidiest classroom award - Class 5 have had this award for a long time now....lets see if we can keep hold of it!

Week 1: In maths we have been looking at data and the different ways we can represent it. We found a fun way of creating Venn diagrams!

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.