Week 4
We're Going on a Treasure Hunt!
We have begun our new 'Why is Water Wet?' topic with a focus on pirates, which we have absolutely loved! We have made our own pirate hats and treasure maps, investigated pirate treasure, used gold coins for counting, and we have been practising the rhyme 'We're Goin' on a Treasure Hunt' from YouTube ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ze7Lx0BL9Jk ) with some fantastic actions.
On Wednesday we found a letter from Captain Orange Beard explaining that he had lost his treasure outside and that, if we found it and described where it was (using positional language), we could keep it! We set off outside just as it started raining and snowing! We got very wet but we battled on and found all of the treasure! We were fantastic at describing where each piece was, so we got to keep it!
As an extra treat on Wednesday Class 1 let us have a go in the planetarium that they had visiting. It was amazing! We saw hundreds of stars, the sun and different planets, and we even took a ride on a rocket to the moon!
Week 3
Amazing Acrobats!
This is the second week that we have used the apparatus in PE and we have been amazing. Last week lots of us were a bit nervous and unsure, and needed our hands holding, but this week our confidence has grown so much! We were so confident at climbing and balancing, and we even thought of our own ways of moving across the apparatus, including sliding on our stomachs, pulling ourselves along on our knees and walking sideways like a crab!
Week 1
Welcome Back!
To continue our 'Is it shiny?' topic from last term we have read 'The Rainbow Fish'. As well as reading the story we have made our own beautiful shiny Rainbow Fish by recycling old CDs, counted shiny scales as part of our numeracy sessions and had a go at a giant under the sea jigsaw- on this we spotted a starfish, an octopus, a mantaray and a whale!
This week we have welcomed some new children into our class and it has been lovely to see how well they have settled in and how kind and friendly our older children have been with them.
On Thursday we went into church to take part in the Epiphany service. We sat and listened so well and joined in with the song 'Away in a Manger' (all the practise for the Christmas play came in handy!)