
Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

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Sacred Heart Catholic Primary School

Spring 1

Week 7


Well done Class 3 for another great week!


In Guided Reading this week, we have finished reading The Diary of a Killer Cat. This week, we read Saturday’s diary entry in which Tuffy the cat had to visit the vets. Children used their vocabulary skills, along with prediction, inference, explanation, retrieval and summary skills throughout the week.


In Literacy this week, we have explored the book Red – A Crayon’s Story by Michael Hall. This book has linked well with our mental health week as we have explored diary entries from the perspectives of important characters within the book, discussing how they feel and how the actions of others may change this.


In Maths, children have continued to explore multiplication and division. This week, we have worked hard to master formal method to support our division. We have also tried very hard to solve multiple step problems and applying our knowledge of multiplication and division to varying challenges.  


In PSHE this week, we talked about activities that we do that make us feel happy and how these activities help support our mental health. Linking to our Literacy focus book Red – A Crayon’s Story, we completed self-portraits this week using crayons to explore art and mindfulness.


In Geography this week, we explored the advantages and disadvantages of both human and physical features, focussing specifically on Italy. We considered the positives of living in city locations such as schools, shops and transport. However, this is busy, noisy and polluted. In comparison, remote locations provide opportunity to grow crops, but could be challenged by poor weather and transport.


Well done Class 3!




Week 6


In Guided Reading this week, we have completed numerous reading challenges based on our focus book The Diary of a Killer Cat. The children have explored inference, explanation and summary to answer questions this week.


In Literacy this week, we have looked at calligrams influenced by the book A River. Children have chosen a key feature within the book such as a car, the sun, a cloud or a tree and identified key words and phrases to write within the shape. We thought about the meaning of words and how this could be represented in the way we write them.


In Maths, children have continued to explore multiplication and division. We

are working hard to multiply and divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We have also introduced remainders into our division work, a new concept for year 3 children.


In Spanish this week, children have used new and previously learnt vocabulary to identify key words within a story. We used our prior learning of key words to support our understanding of the story.


In Geography this week, we explored the natural resources grown in differing countries across Europe and what goods are then traded around the world. We used new vocabulary of import and export to discuss trading in Europe.


This week, children in class 3 also took part in an internet safety workshop, explaining how to stay safe online, what to do in challenging situations and how our actions can make others feel. Children completed freeze frame activities to represent several scenarios.


Note: Homework has been sent home in homework books this week and is expected to be completed and returned on Monday.


Well done Class 3!


Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.

Week 5


This week, we have continued to read The Diary of the Killer Cat by Anne Fine. This week, we have read Friday’s diary entry and Tuffy’s mischievous behaviour continues. Ellie’s Dad had planned to return the neighbours pet rabbit, Thumper, after Tuffy had dragged him through the cat flap.


In Literacy this week, we have researched, planned and written up our non-chronological reports in best. The children have researched a European country finding out facts about traditional food, sports, culture and climate.


In Maths, children have continued to explore multiplication and division. Children have worked hard to complete short multiplication, multiplying a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number. We have used our prior learning of partitioning and column addition to help.


In ICT this week, we have continued to explore touch typing, however using only our left hand this week. Children noticed a considerable difference when only using their left hand for tasks and identified which fingers were easier or trickier to use.  


In PE, we have continued to work hard developing our gymnastics skills. Children learnt multiple jumps such as the straight jump, the star jump and the tuck jump. Completing these encouraged children to think about the tension and extension of their body through sequenced movements.


In Geography this week, children have explored the importance of Ordinance Survey symbols, what they look like and what they stand for. We have also explored Digimaps to look at coordinates and grid references to find our school, the church and local shops in the area.


Well done Class 3!


Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.

Week 4


This week, we have enjoyed reading The Diary of a Killer Cat in Guided Reading. We have used our inference skills, along with explanation and summary skills to develop further understanding of Thursday’s diary entry, where Tuffy’s mischievous behaviour continues.


In Maths, children have continued to solve multiplication and division problems. We are building further resilience when faced with a challenge and remembering to use our prior knowledge to help with tricky questions. For example, if we know 2x3, how can we use this to help work out 2x30?


In Geography this week, children have researched the capital cities of European countries and used an atlas to support their understanding. We have also researched many European landmarks, finding out when they were built, how long they took to build and how tall they are.


In ICT this week, we have continued to used Purple Mash to touch typing. Children have explored, top, home and bottom row keys with increased speed to support their familiarity with key location.


In PE, we have worked hard on developing our gymnastics skills, learning about a patch and point balance. Children explored differing balances and discussed which parts of our bodies had to be tense to hold the positions for 5 seconds.


Well done Class 3!


Have a wonderful weekend.


Week 3


Well done Class 3 for your fantastic efforts this week.


This week, we have continued reading The Diary of a Killer Cat. This week, we focused on Wednesday’s diary entry. Unfortunately, Tuffy the cat had caught yet another animal and brought it home. This time, a mouse. Class 3 have used their retrieval and inference skills to find important information and use this to understand how characters are feeling.


In Literacy this week, we have planned a setting description based on either a city or jungle location, inspired by our book A River. Class 3 have considered our sense of touch, sight, hearing and smell to describe a setting. We have used similes, expanded noun phrases and commas for lists within our writing.


In Maths, children have looked at word problems relating to our current focus of multiplication and division. Class 3 have shown great resilience when faced with a multiple step problem.


In Science this week, Class 3 have explored germination and how seeds grow. Last week, we explored what plants need to grow. This week, we looked at the lifecycle of a seed as it progresses.  


In Topic this week, children continued with our Geography focus of Europe. We used a Venn diagram and a bar chart to compare similarities and differences of varying locations. Our main focus was the weather and climate of a country.


Well done Class 3!


Have a great weekend.

Week 2


Well done Class 3 for working very hard this week.  


This week, we have continued to read The Diary of a Killer Cat. Children have used their prediction skills, along with inference, retrieval, explanation and summary skills to answer a variation of questions about Tuesday’s diary entry. Class 3 are enjoying Tuffy’s mischievous behaviour so far. 


In Literacy this week, we have created a setting description plan, focusing on our sense of smell, hearing, sight and touch. Children have decided to base their setting description on either a busy city or jungle, inspired by our book A River. Children have worked hard to include expanded noun phrases and powerful verbs within their writing.


In Maths, children have continued with multiplication and division, specifically the 3s, 4s, 7s and 9s this week. We are using songs to help us memorise our multiplications, along with using visual support and grouping methods.


In Science this week, Class 3 have explored what plants need to stay healthy, highlighting the importance of light, water and soil. This will support us during a science experiment later this term, when Class 3 are going to investigate how differing conditions can affect a plants growth.


In ICT this week, we have used Purple Mash to explore touch typing. Children used iPads to become familiar with home keys, bottom keys and top keys on the keyboard. Class 3 completed several challenges to find the keys within a timed task.


In Geography this week, we have looked at what human and physical features are and how we may experience both in our daily experiences. In addition to this, Class 3 completed a fact file about a given European location, finding out its capital city, population and any famous landmarks.


Well done Class 3!


Stay safe and have a wonderful weekend.

Week 1


Class 3 have had a great first week back starting the Spring term.


This week, we have started reading our new Guided Reading book ‘The Diary of a Killer Cat’ by Anne Fine. This week, we have focused on the first three pages of the book, exploring skills of prediction, inference and retrieval.  


In Literacy this week, we have looked at our new focus book ‘A River’ by Marc Martin. This book links well with our Topic focus of Geography as we launch into writing a setting description inspired by the beautiful illustrations within the book.


In Maths, children have started looking at multiplication and division, focusing specifically on the 3- and 6-times tables. Children have shown great understanding and have challenged themselves with their learning this week. Well done.


In Science this week, Class 3 have started to explore Plants to answer the enquiry question, do all plants need the same things to grow? Children have completed their pre-assessment, explored new scientific vocabulary and confidently labelled the parts of a plant.


In Geography this week, we have explored the UK and Europe (this being our focus area). The children have looked at countries within the United Kingdom, along with the size of the UK in comparison to Europe and other European countries.


In ICT this week, we have recapped the importance of online safety. We discussed what makes a safe password and how to keep passwords and personal information safe. Next week, we will start our Touch Type module.


Well done Class 3 for all of your hard work this week!


Stay safe and have a fantastic weekend.

One family, growing together in love and faith, flourishing in a diverse and ever-changing world. We love, we believe, we shine, we achieve.